Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marketing on the marketing research department

It is to be recalled that at the meeting of the Board of Directors of Company X held on 30 June, 2006, approval was given for the establishment of a Marketing Research Department. This decision was finally taken after several presentations were made to the Board to that effect.   The newly created department was charged with the following responsibilities:a.Determine how various customer groups are reacting to present marketing mixes of company Xb.Evaluate the effectiveness of operational marketing mixesc.Create new marketing mixes for new customer marketsd.Assess changes in the external environment and the effect they would have on product and service strategye.Identify new market   (a to e are after McDaniel and Gates, 1999)f.Assess present relationships with external marketing agencies with the view to making them stronger.This report presents the current and potential problems confronting our organization from the perspective of marketing and how the newly created department intends to solve them. It also considers new opportunities that have been thrown up since the creation of the department and how it intends to take advantage of them. The marketing department also plans to recruit additional staff. The new staff shall be given an orientation to enable better cope with our style of working. Details of the marketing research process have been given in Appendix 1.IDENTIFIED PROBLEMSAs with most start-up departments, the newly created marketing research department has no past records to guide its work. The only available records are those from our relationships with external marketing agencies. They cover mostly farmed out work from our organization. As a baby trying to walk, we anticipate to encounter difficulties but shall learn as we crawl forward. The department is seriously understaffed, so additional staff must be recruited to enable it discharge its assigned responsibilities.The new staff members would be given an orientation to enable them cope with our unique style of working. The department would also have to put in place expanded information systems to cope with the additional responsibilities assigned to it. Such systems would enable us handle the data that we collect and analyze effortlessly. There is also the need to put up in-house facilities for focus-group work and telephony research.IDENTIFIED OPPORTUNITIESIt is estimated that about over One billion people use the internet worldwide (Business week, 2005). Available reports indicate that this figure shall increase in future. This is a big opportunity for our company, if we can identify our customers and offer them tailor-made goods and services.Some of the market segments of our company are presently underserved. There is the need to accurately identify them and map out strategies to fully serve them. New markets have also opened up in other countries and regions that we must adequately research and go after.PROPOSED SOLUTIONSWe shall have to develop discussion gu ide book for our focus group work and also a manual on the research process orientation. Five additional staff shall be recruited for our in-house research work. Of the staff employed two with a background information technology and electronic business or commerce shall be needed for our web-based businesses. Materials shall also be procured for our in-house focus group work. New Information systems shall be purchased to seamlessly weave data output from the different departments with that of marketing research.From our customer research studies, we shall be better placed to take advantage of the opportunities that have risen up online.   It is our goal to match the enormous opportunity online with the strength of our new staff members, with the background in electronic business or commerce.   The business and marketing plans shall provide details on how new emerging markets shall be entered into and existing ones developed. The plans shall also outline ways and means of forging solid relationships with marketing agencies and other stakeholders.ConclusionIt is our wish that if these measures are implemented, we shall not only see a vibrant marketing research department but also the kind that contributes enormously to our company’s bottom line results.Appendix 1THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESSMcDaniel and Gates (1999) have outlined an eight stage procedure for conducting marketing. These are:a.Problem or opportunity identification and formulationb.Creation of research designc.Selection of research methodologyd.Selection of sampling proceduree.Collection of dataf.Analysis of datag.Preparation and writing of reporth.Follow upa.Problem or opportunity identificationDuring this stage attempt is made to identify the problem at stake or the opportunity to be taken advantage of. Attempt is also made to grasp the scope of the problem and also the opportunity. The information needed in solving the problem and the way and manner it should be obtained is also dete rmined.   After having grasped the scope of the problem or opportunity, the research objectives are outlined. It must be stressed that it is essential for the problem under investigation to be thoroughly understood as the other subsequent stages rest on this stage.b.Creation of research designAt this stage, the researcher devises a plan or an approach for answering the research question. In doing so, the researcher must opt for an approach that is cost-effective and also provide the highest possible information for decision making.C.Selection of research methodologyThere are essentially three major methods for carrying out marketing research. These are surveys, observation and experiment. At this stage therefore the research should select one or a combination of them to collect the information needed.d.Selection of sampling procedureA sample is a subset of the population the researcher is interested in.At this stage therefore, the researcher decides on which members of the target population should be used for the research†¦ The researcher must determine whether he would give each and every member of the target population equal opportunity to participate in the research or only a select few shall be used.e.Collection of dataThis stage entails the collection of the information that the researcher is interested in.   This can be interviewing, survey questionnaire, and observation. The researcher can decide to collect the information himself or ask other persons to do so on his behalf.f.Analysis of dataThe data collected is analyzed at this stage to give meaning to it. From the analysis, it makes it possible for the researcher to interpret the results and offer recommendations and conclusiong.Preparation and writing of report.The analyzed and interpreted data must be communicated to the desired audience in a report. Since the objective of this stage   is to give understanding to what the researcher has found, the report was be tailored to needs of the a udience.h.Follow-upAt this stage, the researcher seeks to find out whether the results and recommendations made in a report have been used and also what has been the outcome of itAReferences1.Businessweek (2005). The Future of Tech, Businessweek ,20th June edition.McDaniel, C. and Gates, R. (1999). Contemporary Marketing Research, South-Western College Pub

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dome of the Rock

The Dome of the Rock Dennis Stoneman The Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem, and is one of the biggest temples in the Islamic religion. It has been a very important spot for thousands of years, and seems that it will remain so for a very long time. Because of the religious beliefs, there are also a lot of conflict that surrounds the temple. Both the Jews and the Muslims lay claim to the site, saying it is the most important spot in their religions. The importance of the rock itself dates back to the very inceptions of the two religions.Today it is under scrutiny, as to who has actual claim of the area, and of course which religious claim is the true one. The Jews and Muslims have been feuding for centuries, and I don’t see any stop to it any time soon. With all of the claims between the two parties, I have my own theory. The dome itself is covered with 900 gold plates. Some have called the Dome of the Rock a Muslim masterpiece. There are 17 cisterns, each with its own si gnificance, and style.The Dome of the Rock tells a story about why it is there. One of the most elaborate temples in existence. I think it is very elegant, and distinguished. It took many years for the Dome of the Rock to turn into the magnificent religious structure it is today. The Dome has even undergone several makeovers, has had visitors who are and are not Muslim. At times non Muslims were not permitted. http://www. cyberistan. org/islamic/domerock. htm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Temple_Mount

Monday, July 29, 2019

Employee Satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employee Satisfaction - Essay Example Promotion should purely be merit based so that everyone in the organization gets an opportunity to move up the ranks. Also, in the event of job openings, it is advisable to first try and hire from within. This not only saves costs on training but also in a great platform for employee stimulation. It is important for the employees to be challenged to a reasonable level so as to encourage them to be interested in their job, thus, it is likely that the productivity levels will remain high. Motivation is key to increasing the productivity of a workforce. Compliments, for example, are excellent motivators. Satisfied employees are aware that they are appreciated as they constantly receive positive feedback from their superiors. High employee satisfaction levels are directly linked to employee productivity and employee retention as satisfied employees are more productive and loyal to their organization that their unsatisfied counterparts. An employer who understands what motivates his staff has definite control over his staff. The article "dispelling the modern myth: Employee satisfaction and loyalty drive service profitability" gives a report on research findings on operation management, service management, Total Quality Management (TQM) and Human Resource Management. The research focuses on the correlation between employee satisfaction and performance. It is a general belief that better satisfied employees have higher levels of productivity. Rhian & Silversto cites earlier works by the Americans Deming(1986), Juran (1989) and the Japanese Ishiakawa(1985) who are all management experts their writings shows that improved job satisfaction increases the productivity of employees. These authors' argument supports the belief that better performing enterprises always treated their employees in a better way. True to its title, the research finds contradicting evidence to earlier works and the general beliefs to what had been commonly accepted in the management world. The author's gives the example of Isakawa 1985 who argues that with better satisfaction, one has improved drives hence will tend to co-operate with fellow employees. The research findings from an empirical study of one of UK's Supermarket chains showed that this is not always true. The most profitable stores were the ones with the least satisfied employees "implying a negative correlation between employee satisfaction and measures of productivity, efficiency and profitability" Rhian & Sylvester. However, reports by management experts that employee satisfaction and loyalty are key factors to enhancing productivity efficiency and increasing profit. The paper puts into application, Heskett, Sasser and Schlesinger's service profit chain model to a UK supermarket. The major aim is to determine the performance linkages between employee perception and performance, customer perceptions, behavior and financial performance. Works by both Hesket and Schlesinger (1991) and Reichheld (1996) improving employee loyalty through poor rewarding helps in improving the services the employees provide hence profitability is improved. The research is a case study of the Home Improvement Store Chain in the United Kingdom. This is a large group of supermarket chains in the UK. The company was chosen since it had senior management believed that satisfaction was key to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What Information Means Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

What Information Means - Essay Example Without access to information (inputs), development (output) will suffer. (Wagner, 2005) Thus, the critics emphasize the existence of â€Å"open† information (information not subject to proprietary rights, offering anyone access, anytime, for low or no cost) as a critical source of the informational inputs necessary for creative and technological progress which literally promotes the growth of humanity. The notion of Information helps us to answer some of the biggest questions which will be discussed in the later part of the dissertation. History of Information? Information is not only collection of knowledge but its organisation for efficient storage and retrieval. The impetus for development of information science can be traced to an article almost half a century ago by Vannevar Bush, one of the most influential scientists of the era (Bush, 1945). In this historic article Bush did two things: (l) succinctly defined a critical problem that was on the minds of many for a long time, and (2) proposed a solution that was a â€Å"technological fix,† in tune with time and strategically attractive. The problem was (and in its basic form still is) â€Å"the massive task of making more accessible a bewildering store of knowledge.† (Saracevic, 1995) This is the problem of â€Å"information explosion,† coupled with necessity to provide availability of and accessibility to relevant information, acute to this day. The reason for evolution of digital libraries was to use emerging information technology to combat the problem. But he went even further: he proposed a machine named "Memex", incorporating in his words "association of ideas", that will duplicate "mental processes artificially. "Ideas that will govern information science and artificial intelligence are quite evident. Memex never became a reality, but to this day R&D efforts in a number of fields have similar goals, to address the same problem of "bewildering store of knowledge." Information explosion is a social problem that started in science, and now has spread to every human endeavor. Justification for engaging massive efforts and resources to the problem was and still is strategic importance of information, first for work and progress in science, and now for everything else in modern human society, nationally and globally. Information Retrieval Information retrieval embraces the intellectual aspects of the description of information and its specification for search and also whatever systems, techniques or machines that are employed to carry out the operation (Mooers, 1951). Technology has skyrocketing abilities to get the job done but information storage has a background in this. Unless information is stored well it cannot be retrieved and is equal to restricting the information. Of the many changes and improvements probably the most significant is that Information Retrieval systems now provide for a high degree of interaction, with all the accompanying implications and problems of human-computer interaction. The basic problem of understanding information and communication,

The Electoral College is obsolete and should be abolished in American Essay

The Electoral College is obsolete and should be abolished in American politics. Do you agree Justify your answer - Essay Example However, it is a time-tested success, another testament to the forward thinking of the creators of the Electoral College system of voting for President, the Founding Fathers. Members of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 faced the difficult question of how to elect a president. They were severely at odds with each other over the question of presidential selection and anguished over the concept of creating a workable system. The Electoral College system that emerged during the very last week of the Convention did seem to satisfy all the diverse factions (Katz, n.d.). The intent of this system was that the selection of a president be based solely on merit and without regard to state of origin or political party by that state’s most informed and educated individuals. Each state has a number of electors equal to the number U.S. Representatives plus its (2) U.S. Senators. These electors then vote for President. The method of choosing the electors was remanded to the individual state legislatures thereby calming those states already distrustful of a centralized government. This understanding built upon an earlier compromise in the design of the congress itself and thus satisfied both large and small states. The nation of thirteen states wanted to retain their own governmental powers and the prevalent thought of the time was that political parties were detrimental to liberty. These founders were of the opinion that men should not campaign for public office. ‘The office should seek the man. The man should not seek the office.’ In 1787, the country’s population was distributed along a thousand miles of Atlantic coastline that was hardly, if at all, connected by reliable communication or transportation. â€Å"How, then, to choose a president without political parties and national campaigns without upsetting the carefully designed balance between the presidency and the Congress on one hand and states and the federal

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Environmental Issues and Policies at General Motors Essay

Environmental Issues and Policies at General Motors - Essay Example This essay discusses the General Motors (GM) organization, that was founded in 1908 and currently, it is the second largest automaker in the world. General Motors has been the global leader in the automotive industry since its inception, but recently it was overtaken by Japanese automaker Toyota. The giant automaker employs over 284,000 people globally and its global headquarters is located in Detroit, US. The automaker manufactures trucks and cars in 35 countries distributed in all continents around the world. In 2007, the giant automaker sold over 8.3 million units globally under the wide brand range of its products in the car and truck portfolio. In the recent history, the motor industry has undergone many transformations arising from the changing supply and demand of energy and the increasing environmental concerns attributed to extensive use of petroleum products in the industry. These developments have made it necessary for the automakers develop and review environmental polici es in their strategic plans in order to adapt with the current economic and environmental needs. To mitigate these effects, different organizations, including General Motors have formulated environmental policies to address the emerging and future environmental changes. In conclusion, the researcher states that General Motors environmental policy is strategically formulated to comply with modern environmental laws, reduce pollution, minimizing energy consumption, wastes and promoting recycling, and reuse practices.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Social Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Social Issues - Essay Example This was however refuted by the campaign group Crisis, which warns that people are merely moving from the streets into temporary shelters and then moving back onto the streets again (, 2001). Recent statistics reveal that there may be still be vast numbers of homeless people still populating UK’s streets. In evaluating the trends over time, about two thirds of homeless people in general were single persons over the age of 25 rather than members with families. In England, the number of people recognized officially as being homeless in the year 2007 was 99,500, and this revealed a decreasing trend. The current figure was half of what the figures were in the year 2004 and well below the high numbers that existed a decade ago( Similar trends were not however, reported in Wales and Scotland. In the case of the fomer, the number of households recognized as officially newly homeless were 9300, which is an increase from the values of 2004. The homelessness trend has been fluctuating in Wales, it rose sharply from 2001 to 2004, then dropped sharply up to 2007 when it registered another increase. An increasing trend was also displayed in Scotland; the num ber of households which were categorized as newly homeless were 41,00 which are actually a third higher than they were a decade ago. Most people have little sympathy for homeless people, because they believe that these individuals deliberately choose to adopt this option so that they can scrounge off the sympathy and assistance of kindly folk. But as was pointed out in the BBC news item cited above, homelessness is like a vicious cycle because it creates its own set of problems. The failure to be able to demonstrate the existence of a permanent address means that such individuals are also not able to get jobs to earn money for themselves, which in turn, only leads to a higher incidence of homelessness.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ancient Egyptian Art - Research Paper Example The explanation for the stability and mostly unchangeable character of Egypt’s art traditions can be found through the knowledge of the original function of the movement. Whether paintings on walls or carved reliefs – nearly all samples of artwork executed in a two-dimensional system and all examples of Egyptian architecture and statues are in some way tied in with the religious beliefs of the Egyptian religious culture or the idolization of the gods and kings. Pyramids, which are magnificent and unique art works themselves, contain various artifacts. Those, in the time of their creation and use were considered to have the ability to break through the bounds of life and death. There are many examples of the belief in the transcendent abilities of certain objects, such as the fact that an image of food inside the tomb was considered to have an ability in the afterlife to feed the soul of the one buried; another sample is the belief that if the sarcophagus will bear the i mpression of the deceased and will be adorned with his names and titles that would forever save him a place among the living. (Janson 49). As we know, very little art of the Egyptian era existed for pure aesthetic purpose. Most artifacts, which we deem to be art today, had a completely different purpose in their time. When we use the term â€Å"art† here, it is a very relative concept. ... We look at a beautiful picture or object of handcraftsmanship and say: â€Å"This is a work of art†. Whereas four or five millennia ago everything one owned was made by hand. Therefore, when addressing the question of â€Å"function versus art†, we must bear in mind the era, wherein the art we discuss was created and the view of society of its time on it. (Panofsky 191) The Egyptians had a few kinds of art form, as we perceive them to be. Sarcophaguses were created for the burial of prominent people of the Egyptian society. It was usually very richly decorated with jewels, which often formed pictures, names and symbols that provided information about the person buried in it. Another common art form in Egypt was the relief art. Images of the Egyptian relief art were carved into layers, which gave the picture a raised view, a depth. The material for carving varied. In the Old and Middle Kingdom soft limestone was used, during the New Kingdom – sandstone. The images on the reliefs pictured almost everything pertaining to be part of the Egyptian lifestyle – feasting or working, religious rituals, burials, buildings etc. (Brewer 171) The creation of statues was another widely practiced art form. Most statues pictured gods, goddesses, Pharaohs and their queens. The statues varied in sizes. One unique characteristic of Egyptian statues is that they were not meant to be copies of nature, but rather physical symbols of the nation’s religion. An interesting norm for a statue creation was the requirement for it to be a youthful figure. Undeniably, Egyptian art had many interesting specifics. When we view Egyptian paintings and drawings, they look flat and appear very strange. This is because they were painted in a specific way in order to emphasize certain

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Challenges of Improving Educational Quality in Relation to One Essay

The Challenges of Improving Educational Quality in Relation to One Country of Your Choice - Essay Example As the essay stresses proper education is not only helpful in achieving success in life, but it is also supportive to overcome all the challenges in their life. Strong educational background of a country is recognised to be a proper indication towards the strong economic structure of that respective country, as it recognised to be one of the most important drivers of economic growth. It has been observed that the most of the developed countries are having a strong educational background, which ensures better development of the society as well as an economy. According to the discussion findings the countries of Latin America have been recognised to witness essential expansion in educational coverage from the past two decades. It has been observed that after a revolution in the educational sector, a large number of countries belonging to Latin American region are considered to be a significant determinant of economic development. Though the countries of Latin America are experiencing educational transformation, but the government of these countries lacks in providing proper educational facilities to the several children. Therefore, due to improper educational facilities as well as unstructured schooling system, most of the children are withdrawing their name from the public schools. The educational revolution in Latin America has been identified to have vital impact over the development of the society of that respective country.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Price discovery in American and British Property Markets Essay

Price discovery in American and British Property Markets - Essay Example On the other hand, real-estate taxes accounted for 17.1 per cent of home-owners' housing costs in Britain in 1983, compared to only 7.6 per cent in the United States. These home-ownership costs provide a simple cash-flow comparison of family housing cost, but they do not take into account a variety of other important factors, including, most importantly, the impact of mortgage interest tax relief and the appreciated value of the house. The results suggest that actual cost is extremely sensitive to the rate of appreciation. However, using the average annual appreciation over the 1978-83 period, we calculate that, as a percentage of income, the real annual cost of home-ownership (excluding property tax and maintenance) was significantly lower in Britain than in the United States. Indeed, given that interest rates were lower than the rate of inflation of house prices, the real annual cost of purchasing a new home in Britain in either 1981 or 1983 was actually negative.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Marketing Segmentation Essay Example for Free

Marketing Segmentation Essay

A Taste of Honey Shelagh Delaney Essay Example for Free

A Taste of Honey Shelagh Delaney Essay In A Taste of Honey Shelagh Delaney presents Jo as a young woman looking for security and love. Compare the relationships she has with Helen, her boyfriend and Geoff. To what extent does she find security and love with each? Shelagh Delaney the writer of the play A Taste of Honey was born on November 25th 1939 in Salford, England. It was in school when she saw her first play, an amateur performance of Shakespeares Othello. She was only twelve at the time, and the play made a great impression on her. When she was seventeen, she began writing A Taste of Honey as a novel but later realised that it would be better as a play so it was first performed in 1958, accepted by Joan Littlewood, a famous director of the Political Theatre who strongly believed that plays should be about ordinary people. A Taste of Honey is mainly about a young working class girl who refuses to conform to her dreary surroundings and way of life. When the play was introduced, it was rare to find any of the situations portrayed in any other plays as the circumstances of each of the characters in the play were polemic and unaccepted by a neglectful society. Keeping up the appearances was an important factor in life, and at the time public disgrace was a horrendous situation to be involved in., so it almost became a day to day struggle to keep others satisfied with a suitable personal image that no one had the right to question. People were often very prejudiced about things like origin and race, sexual inclination, promiscuity and sex before marriage. To be involved in any of those things was a serious act for concern from the family and members of the community. At the time people were very religious and strict with regards to homosexuality, promiscuity and sex before marriage, in households from the 20th century, there was rarely a laid back mentality when these situations happened in the conventional life of an ordinary person. It was very common for a youngster to be involved in any of the above, as the senior members relied on their traditional customs and philosophies and took a lot of care in their every move. Ironically this play doesnt seem very concerned with all the issues that emerge from that society, and makes it a much more rebellious and interesting play to watch. However interesting it was, not everyone agreed with the content of the play, as some reviewers confessed that this was the first play they had seen with a coloured person and a homosexual man. Jo is a 15-year old girl who seems to have been unfortunate in life due to the circumstances that we see her in at the start of the play. By the way of life she leads, we learn that she is not happy or satisfied with herself or with her only relative, her mother. She displays inappropriate behaviour for a teenager of her time, I dont owe you a thing. By saying this we learn that she has little respect for Helen and is very distant from her, she also sounds angry and frustrated because she knows she deserves much more and also because Helen has not been a proper mother to her in any way. Something else, which we are able to see from Jos lifestyle, is that she is frequently exposed by her mother, to different men coming in and out of Helens life. The best example is Peter, a close friend of Helens. This is evidently an unsuitable environment for a teenage girl, and clearly shows that Helen is not very concerned about the image she is creating in Jos mind. We can conclude that Helen is not only being a terrible example for daughter Jo, but also is offering no security in the sense of stable relationships that can benefit Jo in a good way. Helen doesnt stand firm in front of Jo and by inviting men into her house, she is loosing all sense of respect for herself and most importantly, for her daughter. Its almost like Helen and Jo are friends who take boyfriends in for intimate relationships. At the start of the play we learn that Helen has a strong drinking problem, drink, drink, drink, thats all youre fit for. You make me sick. Jo is directly affected by it, as she has to co-exist with this habit in Helens life. We know that she clearly dislikes it and mentions how her mother isnt good for anything else apart from drinking. This can represent the way Jo feels, since the time she started to realise her mothers neglectful treat you make me sick, Jos frustration has become so great that she has started to hate her mother for being such a bad parent. By mentioning thats all youre fit for Jo tells us that Helen has been a total failure in every aspect of motherhood and wasnt able to demonstrate even the smallest sign of care and affection for daughter Jo. Perhaps Helen thought that alcohol could help ease the pain of not being able to be a good parent and offer love and security to Jo. But once again we see that Helen makes the wrong choice and maybe unconsciously might not realise how much this is also affecting Jo. This drinking problem is once again an appalling example that Helen is transmitting to Jo, as she might think its acceptable to drink in order to ease the pain and attempt to sort out problems under a more relaxed but less rational approach. Some readers may think that at the point of Helens response to Jos comments about drinking, she is completely under the dominion of alcohol, and responds in a cynical way, Dont just stand there shivering; have some of this if youre so cold. My reaction to this answer was of utter amazement as I am unable to believe the extent of Helens brutality and stupidity. She has just been told by Jo how much she dislikes the habit and still persists on acting irresponsibly and offering an intoxicating drink to her underage daughter. She should have been a little more considerate and thought of a more reasonable solution to Jos request. This once again leads us to believe that Helen is offering Jo no security, or protection in any way. Unexpectedly Jo enquires about her father just as her mother is getting ready to marry peter. As she is not pleased with what her mother responds, she declares her as a liar You liar look at me. This response was obviously generated from the way Helen answered Jos question, which evidently wasnt tactful or sensitive. Until this point we learn that Jo is unaware of who her father is, and this sort of conversation appears to be a serious issue between mother and daughter. Jo seems to feel resentment towards her mother, by the way she says you liar. By hiding this important piece of information to Jo, I believe that Helen has disrespected her daughter in various aspects. Jo as being the product of an intimate relationship between Helen and the man in question is in her full right to demand respect and to know who her progenitor was. This reveals quite a lot about Helens personality, as she demonstrates cowardice at the single thought of facing her daughter and telling her the truth about her origin. When Jo says look at me, it becomes clear to us, that she has to prove or disprove her mothers honesty with a single glance at her eyes. Jo is not entirely sure of this answer and proves to us that she does not trust her mother in her honesty and actions. Helen and Jo keep an uncharacteristic relationship; because its not one of mother and daughter love neither a friendly one. They just dont seem to be able to understand each other as such and therefore have lost all mutual respect and affection, simply because Helen is far too selfish to give up her way of life to ultimately benefit her daughter and herself. Its like theyve swapped roles, Helen being the daughter and Jo being the mother, one more responsible and conscious than the other. Jo acts like an adult in many ways, as she shows a clear disapproval upon her surroundings and her mothers drinking habits, she certainly feels uncomfortable at the men coming in and out of Helens life. Youve emptied more bottles down your throat in the last few weeks than I would have thought possible. If you dont watch it, youll end up an old down-out boozer knocking back the meths Jo is warning Helen that if she isnt careful with her habits, she will be alcoholic and drinking illicit beverages meths. Jo sounds like shes disturbed by her mothers future and has a precautious tone in her voice that makes her sound like a worried mother or wife. At the start of the play, when we meet Helen and Jo, their relationship seems very weak, and doesnt seem to get any better as the play proceeds; because of this I can predict that as they dont dedicate sufficient time and effort to form stronger bonds they will not be able to progress and comprehend their individual needs and circumstances. Anyway, its your life, ruin it your own way Helen makes this very strong remark that suggests a very careless thought with regards to Jos future. She uses a common tactic that allows her to show a dignified attitude, by offering Jo sufficient freedom to ruin her future and hold her responsible for her actions, consequently saving herself from her daughters blame and pain of failing. This shows how careless she is at offering support in Jos plans ambitions and dreams. In a way this is a very sad thing to do, because not only does Jo lack financial stability, but also love and emotional security. On the other hand Jo is conscious of her mothers intentions with regards to a good life for her. Ruining my life. After all, youve had plenty of practice this blame on Helens performance as mother is quite serious and is good at describing their relationship in general. This allegation is also good to prove the fact that Helen has offered no security or love to Jo. However making matters worse Helen accepts this accusation and unconsciously hurts Jo to a deeper extent saying yes, give praise where praise is due, I always say pessimistically she responds with no hint of shame at what she has created in Jo, because of her neglectful behaviour. I dont think that during the play their relationship gets to evolve in a positive or a negative way; however Helen may start to look at Jo as a woman rather than a girl due to the consequence of her relationship with boy and her pregnancy. In act 1 scene 2 Helen leaves her daughter Jo to go and get married to Peter, which in some way helps Jos emotional state, as it is supposedly the end of a most hated cohabitation, and the start of a new independent life. I believe that this action taken by Helen was by far the best thing she has done to benefit Jo, perhaps unconsciously but for the benefit of both sides. Helen has been a bad mother because she has never been able to offer Jo pure and unconditional love, instead she has made Jos existence imperfect and complicated without a reasonable purpose. I am not trying to justify un-motherly conduct, but she probably was never prepared to facet he responsibilities of a parent. It was completely inappropriate form Helen to allow men and alcohol form a barrier between herself and daughter Jo. Nearer to the conclusion of the play Helen returns to Jo, not to rectify her mistakes but only to make matters worse for poor Jo and her baby, I feel that she came back in a mood of pity and not love for a future single mother. However she may see herself reflected on Jo, and may feel is her duty to come to aid her. I feel great sympathy for Jo at the end of the play, because it seems to me that her life is a cycle that repeats itself over and over again. She is lonely even though she is due to have a baby and has her mother with her. Sadly Helen is still an alcoholic, and is penniless just as Jo is, which will unmistakeably make the baby suffer because of the circumstances. I also feel that since Jo and Helen have avoided resolving their differences and issues, their relationship will carry on deteriorating to a greater extent, until they will not be able to interact any longer as a team or family. Boy holds a fairly important role in the play, as Shelagh Delaney may have used him in order to represent a race and a whole group of people at the time. He is a twenty year old sailor that manages to infiltrate Jos heart and lighten up her life to a certain extent, for a short period of time. The reason why Shelagh Delaney doe not provide boy with a name, is because he ends up leaving her and breaking all his made promises, of returning and marrying her. His role in the play is of a young adult who meets Jo and eventually becomes her boyfriend. He also becomes the father of her baby, even though he is not aware of this. The relationship boy has with Jo is completely different to the ones she experiences with all the other characters, this one is of love and mutual understanding. I love youbecause you are daft. I believe that the most important factor with regards to Jos feelings and other characters is that perhaps it is the first time she falls in love with someone, and is answered back in the same way. Even though buy offers love to Jo, he certainly doesnt offer much security. This is because he enjoys having fun wherever he goes and is not able to make a promise and keep it. youre the first girl who Ive met who really doesnt care this quote shows that he is someone whos had many relationships in the past, analyses different behaviours, and therefore has gained experience in the subject. I reckon that Shelagh Delaney wants to make the audience judgemental towards boy because of the way his relationship ends with Jo, and leaving to never come back. In my opinion boy only used Jo to sleep with and never really felt anything special for her, this truly shows the type f person he is. The audience may find that he is genuine and honest about his feelings but then turns out to be insincere and false, however what really damages his image to a higher extent is how he took advantage of Jos naivety and innocence. Geoff is another important character in the play, as Shelagh Delaney may have chosen him to represent the fears, hopes and dreams of a secluded group of people, who were judged by their sexual inclination. He is false a person who provides Jo with a strong friendship and some security that perhaps she took for granted. Geoff is someone who lacks self-confidence and is in desperate search for acceptance security and companionship, he wants Jo to look at him as a man with defects and expects from her as much as she receives from him. They have a peculiar relationship as Jo refers to him as a big sister or a womanly figure in the house, you are just like an old woman really. You just unfold your bed, kiss me goodnight and sing me to sleep. This kind of remark may have resulted embarrassing for him as he is a male and much older than Jo. Shelagh Delaney is very effective at revealing Geoff qualities, by telling us the large amounts of efforts he puts into Jos house and the way that he takes care of her, someones got to look after you. You cant look after yourself. You would not expect this type of behaviour from a stranger and man in a male dominating society. Another good way the reader can see the qualities in Geoff is by comparing him to Helen, who is the total opposite of her and has taken better care of Jo in a short period of time than she has. From analysing Jos and Geoff relationship we can learn that during the time they spend living together they have both been happy and able to co-exist with each other, which is something Helen and Jo were never able to achieve. However there was always this barrier between Jo and Geoff, generated by their different attitudes towards life and other issues that revolved around their respective characters. While Geoff was optimistic, Jo was fairly negative and resembled Helens personality to some extent. This factor never really allowed them to enjoy their relationship and their time together to the maximum. I think it would be best if you left this place Geoff I dont think its doing you any good being here with me all the time this tells us that Jo is being honest with him and knows about his need to experience a womans desire to prove whether his inclination towards a men is real. To some degree Jo is a little bit arrogant as she declares that she can be self-sufficient and doesnt need from Geoff to carry on living a normal life. Nobody asked you to stay here. You moved in on me, remember? If you dont like it you can get out, cant get Geoff is a maternal figure to Jo as he is making a great effort to help her out with the preparation for the coming of the baby; something Helen would be more appropriate at doing. I thought you changed. Motherhood is supposed to come natural to women he explain this which such patience and care that almost sounds like he has passed through motherhood himself. This maternal figure is very rare and distinctive in the play as he is the only in the play who offers this sort of care and guidance, despite him being a man. Geoff is nothing like Helen simply because they do not share any qualities or even defects. The only way in which he may resemble Helens behaviour is at the end of his role, when he decides to leave Jo and not rebel against Helens prejudices and power to throw him out of Jos and the babys life. just as Helen did, he ends up deserting Jo, and not thinking of the possible emotional crisis she may start to go through. At the end of the play Jo is left standing by herself lonely without anyones help and support to hep undergo the conceiving of her baby, and the rest of her life she may still have to live. The mood is quite bleak, grim and dull at this point most of the relationships between the characters have broken up. Helen has been thrown out of Peters house and longer is she able to enjoy financial stability or Peters company as a husband. I believe none of the relationships in the play were really meant to work just as much as Geoff and Jo would have never been able to coexist considering their different circumstances. Shelagh Delaney may have chosen the title A Taste of Honey because in a way all of the characters in the play find a hint of happiness for a short while, and then just as it came it quickly diminishes and becomes difficult once again. I believe that Shelagh Delaney was correct in choosing this title for the play because it is indeed a sequence of events that resemble the ups and downs in life and the way one can taste something good but then its taken away. Its never really a constant patch of happiness throughout, but a constant struggle to keep going as much as possible.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sustainable Tourism: Cancun And Mexico

Sustainable Tourism: Cancun And Mexico Sustainable tourism is now recognized when tourism is well planned, developed and managed in a controlled, integrated and sustainable manner. With this approach, tourism can generate substantial economic benefits to an area/region, without creating any serious environmental or social problems. Tourisms resources will be conserved for continuous use in the future. Therefore this report covers the issues, approaches, techniques and principles for tourism planning at the national and regional level of planning and management of tourism at the national level because Cancun development both involved the national and regional planning. Cancun is one of the most important tourist destinations in Mexico. From being a fishing village 30 years ago, today it a well visited resort. Cancun is located at Yucatan peninsula, in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Cancun is connected by bridges to the mainland and has a 20km Hotel Zone which is about 200m wide with shores on the Caribbean Sea, and also enclose is large lagoon. There are over 150 hotels and resorts in Cancun with more than 24,000 rooms and 380 restaurants and most of it all welcome families. Four million visitors arrive each year in an average of 190 flights daily.[citation needed] The Hotel Zone of Cancun is shaped like a 7 with bridges on each end connecting to the mainland Beside Cancun, is the Mayan Riviera and check out Playa del Carmen, Xcaret and Xel-Ha. The ancient Mayan ports which is now been converted into modern-day paradises. Also nearby is Tulum, a fascinating archaeological zone by the sea. It was the only walled city built by the Mayans. Source: The Development Plan and Policy Mexico national tourism plan was to expand the international tourism industry which by 1960 the government approved the project to promote the international tourism industry to the less unknown region and local rural areas. The Mexican government choose 5 new resorts for development because the main tourist attraction then was just the natural environment and main historic sites. This bought about the creation of Cancun which was part of Mexicos long-term national development strategy Cancun actually plan was first developed in the 1967 by the government under the Mexico National Tourism Plan but development did not start until 1970 when FONATUR, the Mexican Federal Governments agency in charge of fomenting national came in place The initial Tourism policy was articulated around the interrelated sets of objectives Open up a road from Puerto Juarez to the island, Design a Master Development Plan and Build a provisional air strip The Master Plan came about three items To build tourism zone where there will be no residential area surrounding it, like a tourism passage with hotels, shopping centres and golf courses installed To build a residential zone for the permanent residents Building an international airport atone side on the mainland south of the island The tourism zone plan development which was divided into three phases. The first comprised the area from Bahia de Mujeres to Punta Cancun and the coast up to the inner limit of Bojorquez Lagoon; the second phase ran from Bojorquez Lagoon to Punta Nizuc, and the third from Punta Nizuc south, to the limits of the territorial reserve. There are four distinct phases in Cancuns development, characterized by times of growth and crisis: From 1969 to 1975; From 1976 to 1983; From 1984 to 1989; From 1990 to 2007 At some time during these periods of growth, seemingly insurmountable problems darkened expectations for the area- a lack of regular flights, the 1982 devaluation, natural disasters, the collapse of North American tourism due to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and, more recently the hurricane Wilma back in October 2005. Nevertheless, the city has demonstrated its ability to bounce back on each occasion. By 1976, Cancun was firmly established as a tourism destination: 18,000 inhabitants, stable migratory patterns, more than 5,000 jobs, 1,500 hotel rooms and 100,000 visitors in the winter 76-77 season. The sudden spurt of growth prior to 1982 caused an ecological imbalance in the lagoon system, requiring corrective measures. From 1983 to 1988, Cancun registered explosive growth with more than 12,000 hotel rooms and another 11,000 projected or under construction and more than 200,000 inhabitants. From 1989 to date, Cancun has been the nations most dynamic city. It contributes a large percentage of Mexicos tourism-related revenue and accounts for much of Quintana Roo gross domestic product. There are currently more than 500,000 inhabitants in the urban area. Cancun has become the countrys largest tourism resort and is the most prosperous city in the Yucatà ¡n Peninsula. It is also the Caribbeans premier destination, surpassing even the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Strategic for Managing resorts Tourism as extensively damage the lagoon, the sand dunes as to the extinction of species of animal and fish and also the rain forest which surround s the island as been destroyed. Until recently after 20 year the Mexico government decided to limit project along the coast to prevent further damage to the island. Environmental problem: Deforestation. This is caused by the over construction of hotels, restaurant and other tourism catering facilities and it also causes wildlife destruction and further environmental damages Impact and effect: medium and regulation Type of measure: regulatory standard. No regulatory body or law for controlling tourism development To achieve the management and control of Cancun some sustainable indicator have to be consider Carrying Capacity Cancuns carrying capacity has been exceeded to a point where the benefits of tourism are beginning to significantly diminish. Therefore the government established a carry capacity standard. The carrying capacity of Cancun can be defined as the threshold of tourist activity beyond which facilities are saturated (physical capacity), the environment is degraded (environmental capacity), or visitor enjoyment is diminished (perceptual or psychological capacity). Among these three capacities the latter two are the most relevant to Cancuns current situation. Regulatory improvement In Cancun, the government of Mexico established local and regional zoning laws that restrict development and bans development in conservation zones of the Cancun-Tulum corridor, locate in the states of Yucatan and Quintana Roo Land use Formally, development is guided by a master plan affecting land use and building patterns. The plan limits the number of floors of hotels, guarantees public access to beaches, and preserves the five mile zone separating the tourist zone from the City of Cancun in the mainland Actions Taken for Competitiveness Product development action: how to make attractions better Market development Re-launch of Cancun Quality assessment Managing and Co-ordinating actions The Competitiveness Program of Cancun as been considers into 5 important components: Product Development: Physical Recovery of the Tourism Product is based on rescue and rehabilitation projects, such as the rescue of beaches, ecological rescue and lagoon maintenance, restoring and the rehabilitation of the central zone of Cancun city, reforestation and signage, remodelling of the Convention Centre, and other important modernization and rehabilitation programs Re-Launch of Cancun: Have as its purpose a qualitative transformation of the citys image and the adding of new values. In this section, projects are being developed, such as Puerto Cancun as a large international yachting attraction, a multimodal transport terminal in order to define a new policy in municipal public transport, a sub-aquatic museum and artificial reefs, a project to construct a race car dome, and enlarging the Cancun airport. Quality Assessment: Raise Service and Quality Levels: through the recognition of the workforces efforts, collaboration among different tourism business sectors and the facilitation and systematic improvement surveillance of visitor experience. This includes specific actions such as the Mexican Caribbean Quality Tourism Norms, tourist safety, facilitation of immigration and customs systems in the airport, utilizing protected areas, and a centre of business linkage. Market Development: New Marketing for Cancun will attend to the problems of Cancuns image, and includes actions such as new promotional and marketing campaigns, which revalue the destinations attractiveness, as well as the development of new tourist products, principally other than the sun and sea niche. Managing and Co-ordinating actions: Long-Term Planning for the State of Quintana Roo in the Year 2025: considers that in the next few decades, tourism as economic development will consolidate around the tail end of the state. Conclusion From 1989 to date, Cancun has been the nations most dynamic city. It contributes a large percentage of Mexicos tourism-related revenue and accounts for much of Quintana Roo gross domestic product. There are currently more than 500,000 inhabitants in the urban area. Cancun has become the countrys largest tourism resort and is the most prosperous city in the Yucatà ¡n Peninsula. It is also the Caribbeans premier destination, surpassing even the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Mexicos National Trust Fund for Tourism Development

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Malpractice Or Poor Judgement? :: essays research papers

Malpractice or Poor Judgement?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The practice of medicine has never claimed to be an exact science. In fact, it is very much a hit-and-miss situation. Taking into account these above factors, India seems to be on a destructive trend regarding their level of health care. Ever since private medical services fell under the Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) in April 1993, the number of malpractice suits filed against doctors has begun to soar. For example, in Kerala, approximately 1800 cases (15% of the total number of cases) have been filed. As Dr. Dipak Banerjee of the Indian Medical Association puts it: â€Å"It's degenerating into a kind of witch-hunt.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For years the community of doctors across India was immune to charges of malpractice, but the tide has begun to turn. Doctors are now having to dish out larger sums of money in order to insure themselves adequately. Insurance companies have caught on as well, raising the price of malpractice insurance on most doctors. For instance, a doctor who would have had to pay Rs. 125 annually now has to pay up to Rs. 1500. These costs will only be passed along to the patients in the long run, and the condition is only going to worsen. Take for example the United States, where surgeons annually pay an average of $75,000 on insurance premiums. On top of these premiums, doctors who practice very defensively add as much as $21 billion US to the health care bill every year. Twenty percent of the tests prescribed by doctors were not necessary, but they are the result of defensive practising by doctors who do not want to be held liable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This condition, already appearing in India, could become the downfall of their present health care industry. Doctors are being forced to â€Å"look upon every patient as a potential litigant.† There is likely going to be a tremendous rise in the cost of treatment as doctors begin this new wave of defensive practising, in which a series of expensive tests are carried out before any diagnosis is made. Quoting Dr. Chockalingam (Chairman of the Indian Chapter of Royal College of Surgeons), â€Å"If a patient comes with a headache we may now order a CT scan lest we miss a brain tumour... We now have to see whether a patient comes alone for consultation or brings along his advocate.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This problem could lead, and has led, to many others. Doctors may shun complicated cases where risk is high due to the delicate nature of the procedure, so as not to be hauled to court. This refusal to treat patients has already

The Day I Found Joy Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay about myself

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -- Oscar Wilde One of the things that has always puzzled me is human nature, our joys, fears and madness. The very source of the painful cramps of the soul that we call sadness, and the source of the multicolor soft parade that we call happiness. Those feelings have been with us since we saw the light, and are going to be there until the dark and graceful death decides to cover the light of life with her soft wings. They shape everything that makes us, our face, our expression, our spirit, our minds, our future and our past. Those feelings are what drive us to construct and to destroy, make us love something deeply, or with a little bit of poison (like one of the Borgias), make us hate something with passion. The source of happiness and sadness is the missing link that I've always looked for, something so strong that will wake up my senses and show me the mystery that surrounds life. And one day, I found IT. It happened almost a year ago, on a bright spring day. The name of the day was Saturday and the place was Smallville, the city where I was born and raised. I woke up early for a Saturday, around nine a.m. I had breakfast and decided to go downtown for a walk. It was a very beautiful morning, a very beautiful sky, birds singing over the trees, falling in love because of the spring. It was as good as it was going to get in a big town. Of course I wasn't alone; there were hundreds of people walking in those same streets. There were young people, businessmen, many different people, and they were all in a hurry, probably to go to work. I could hear short steps, TAP-TAP-TAP, and I could see many feet walking fast, very fast. Wh... ...all of that but the only thing I could say was, "Yes, brother, do it, dance, dance!!" We smiled together; the people around did too. It was glorious! I don't know if he was an angel, a dream, or a real person, I never will, but that Saturday morning he taught us all a lesson of life, of love, of all the beautiful things that exist in the world. He reminded me of the words of Jesus Christ: "Heaven is not here or there, it's inside of you." It's a state of mind, it's the ecstacy of breathing, is inner peace, is happiness. So you, whoever reads this, smile, hug a friend, go home and kiss your parents, the ones that gave you the great gift of life. Shake hands for no reason--maybe he needs it. Be thankful for everything that you have, for your eyes, for your legs, for your existence. Be joyful and be in peace. And have lots of faith, please.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Grapes Of Wrath And Of Mice And Men: Character Study :: essays research papers

Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men: Character Study The American Novelist, John Steinbeck was a powerful writer of dramatic stories about good versus bad. His own views on writing were that not only should a writer make the story sound good but also the story written should teach a lesson. In fact, Steinbeck focused many of his novels, not on average literary themes rather he tended to relay messages about the many hard truths of life in The United States. Upon winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962 the Swedish academy introduced him by saying "He had no mind to be an unoffending comforter and entertainer. Instead, the topics he chose were serious and denunciatory†¦" This serious focus was not exempt from his two works "The Grapes of Wrath" and "Of Mice and Men". "The Grapes of Wrath" has been recognized by many as "the greatest novel in American History" and it remains among the archetypes of American culture. Although "Of Mice and Men" may not have received as much fanfare as the other it is still a great classic that was recently made into a motion picture. The focus of "The Grapes of Wrath" Is one family, the Joads, who has been kicked off their Oklahoma farm and forced to move to California to look for work. The story has historical significance as it is true that many families were forced, in the same way as the Joads, to leave their homes to look for work during the depression. It is in this fact that one can see how Steinbeck's intention in "The grapes of Wrath" was to depict the hardships people went through during an actual event in American history. Perhaps the most solemn message in this novel was the poor treatment of the dispossessed families as they reached California. In "Of Mice and Men" the reader is presented with a story that takes place in the same setting of "The Grapes of Wrath" This story details the hardships of two traveling companions while they are working at a ranch in California. The common thread between these two novels is not necessarily the plot or the setting rather, it is the way in which Steinbeck relays his message. That is to say that, although both novels carry different story lines they both portray hard truths about human suffering. Steinbeck reveals these truths through his depiction of characters. In each story it seems that the characters were crafted by Steinbeck in a bias manner so as to emphasize the overall message of the book. It is quite obvious that all of Steinbeck's characters are

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Curleys Wife

Mediums by which she is presented to the reader by Steinbeck is by how she is described by both the characters and Steinbeck, what she is wearing and her body language when she is with the workers, her actions with the characters and what she says (the hidden meaning of what she says). One of the ways the reader can learn about a Character is through the other Characters description and their opinion of that character, in the case of Curlers' Wife the first we hear of her is from Crooks, the old swamped, when he is talking to George during a game of cards.He states, â€Å"she got the eye† which shows that she is a flirtatious and an immoral woman because she has only been married for two weeks. Candy also describes her as a â€Å"tart† (a tart is a woman who dresses or behaves in a way that is considered tasteless and sexually provocative). The fact that Curlers' Wife is introduced through rumors means that the reader has a biased impression of her. Already the reader h as been introduced to the idea that Curlers' Wife is a ‘tart† and an immoral flirtatious woman. This idea is the further strengthened by 1st appearance.Her first appearance of the story is made in the doorway of the bunkhouse, asking the whereabouts of her husband which is revealed to be a weak excuse to make interaction with the workers. She is wearing â€Å"red cotton house dress and red mules, on the instep of which were little bouquets of red strict feathers. † Emphasizing her sexual presence with the color red, but the emphasis of the color red also shows danger because the color red is sometimes associated with danger, which shows she is a dangerous character.Additionally, the bouquets of ostrich feathers, also described as red, on the insteps of her shoes would have been extremely expensive in the time which â€Å"Of Mice and Men† was set; and that Curlers' Wife not only wears them on her feet but in the middle of the ‘Dust Bowl' expresses her desperate need for attention and she is willing to ruin her best pair of shows in order to main he attention of the workers, despite the fact she has a husband. Our image of Curlers wife being immoral women in then further reinforced when she Starts talking to George,† ‘Oh! She put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward. † Not only is Cur less' Wife described as a floozy but also a dangerous woman. Upon entering Crooks' room it is clear that Candy and Crooks are afraid of her when they both â€Å"scowled down from her eyes† this deliberate prevention of eye contact suggest that they are scared of her or they don't feel as if they need to dignify her with eye contact. The word â€Å"scowling' means that the presence of her displeases Candy and Crooks.In the story we know that both Crooks and Curlers' Wife are similar in more the one way both are obviously intelligent and perceptive of themselves as wel l as others, and both contain a deep bitterness stemming from their mistreatment. Both contain a bleak and accurate insight of the fundamental nastiness of people and they are discriminated (When she threatens to get him hung â€Å"l could get so strung so quickly it ant even funny' and isolated (In the novella there are many quotes to show that Candy's' Wife is a lonely Oman â€Å"l never get to talk to nobody. Et awful lonely. † â€Å"What's the matter with me? Anti I got a right to talk to nobody? † â€Å"Seems like they anti none Of them cares how goat live†. ) In the novella she is also linked to The American Dream (Dictionary Definition: is the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved. Because she is talking to Leonie about what happened to her before she get married (this shows that even though she is married and has a husband to talk to SE still rise to talk to the wor kers, but it also shows a vulnerable side of her it tells us that maybe she doesn't get to talk much at her house that she has bad relationship). She reveals that her mother denied her the opportunity to join a traveling show († I always thought my 01†² lady stole it†) when she was fifteen and then, years later, a talent SCOUt spotted her and promised to take her to Hollywood to become a movie star.When nothing came of it, she decided to marry Curler, whom she dislikes. â€Å"Well, I wasn't goanna stay no place where I couldn't get nowhere or make something of myself, an' where they stole your teeters† This tells she left home because she believed and her mother was denying her of her dream and she only married Curler to get away from her mother which leads to question Does she have a good relationship with her husband?Curly is arrogant We know he is arrogant because in the novella he picks with the biggest worker there (Leonie) believing that he has enough s trength to take down the biggest worker â€Å"Come on, yea big bastard Get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-bitchy is goanna laugh at me† Curler is deliberately shouting at Leonie because he thinks he can win because of his arrogance. His wife is a flirt and definitely lacks the attention (the right kind of attention) she should receive from her husband. She's a trophy, and he treats her as such.They had a short engagement (they married the night they met), and Curlers' wife, from the little we really know about her married Curly for little more than to get away from her mother. Curly and his wife have a very unstable marriage, lacking in communication, love and respect. Curly believes that manipulation, intimidation, and insensitivity provide him with power over a wife who is fact just a lonely, young woman who needs to be loved. Not to et the wife off the hook here; Curlers' wife is far from stupid.She likes the money and the nice house; she never tries to leave him. But sh e also holds some power in their relationship. Curly wife possessed his mind, and as I've already stated he's very jealous. Being the only woman on the ranch, Curly is even more worried about her behavior with the men who work there†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ If he didn't know where she was for even a minute, he was off looking for her. Example;† You seen a girl around here? † he demanded angrily. † She made him crazy and enjoyed it. So ultimately, neither one of them are very happy it's a pretty unhealthy relationship. Curleys Wife Mediums by which she is presented to the reader by Steinbeck is by how she is described by both the characters and Steinbeck, what she is wearing and her body language when she is with the workers, her actions with the characters and what she says (the hidden meaning of what she says). One of the ways the reader can learn about a Character is through the other Characters description and their opinion of that character, in the case of Curlers' Wife the first we hear of her is from Crooks, the old swamped, when he is talking to George during a game of cards.He states, â€Å"she got the eye† which shows that she is a flirtatious and an immoral woman because she has only been married for two weeks. Candy also describes her as a â€Å"tart† (a tart is a woman who dresses or behaves in a way that is considered tasteless and sexually provocative). The fact that Curlers' Wife is introduced through rumors means that the reader has a biased impression of her. Already the reader h as been introduced to the idea that Curlers' Wife is a ‘tart† and an immoral flirtatious woman. This idea is the further strengthened by 1st appearance.Her first appearance of the story is made in the doorway of the bunkhouse, asking the whereabouts of her husband which is revealed to be a weak excuse to make interaction with the workers. She is wearing â€Å"red cotton house dress and red mules, on the instep of which were little bouquets of red strict feathers. † Emphasizing her sexual presence with the color red, but the emphasis of the color red also shows danger because the color red is sometimes associated with danger, which shows she is a dangerous character.Additionally, the bouquets of ostrich feathers, also described as red, on the insteps of her shoes would have been extremely expensive in the time which â€Å"Of Mice and Men† was set; and that Curlers' Wife not only wears them on her feet but in the middle of the ‘Dust Bowl' expresses her desperate need for attention and she is willing to ruin her best pair of shows in order to main he attention of the workers, despite the fact she has a husband. Our image of Curlers wife being immoral women in then further reinforced when she Starts talking to George,† ‘Oh! She put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward. † Not only is Cur less' Wife described as a floozy but also a dangerous woman. Upon entering Crooks' room it is clear that Candy and Crooks are afraid of her when they both â€Å"scowled down from her eyes† this deliberate prevention of eye contact suggest that they are scared of her or they don't feel as if they need to dignify her with eye contact. The word â€Å"scowling' means that the presence of her displeases Candy and Crooks.In the story we know that both Crooks and Curlers' Wife are similar in more the one way both are obviously intelligent and perceptive of themselves as wel l as others, and both contain a deep bitterness stemming from their mistreatment. Both contain a bleak and accurate insight of the fundamental nastiness of people and they are discriminated (When she threatens to get him hung â€Å"l could get so strung so quickly it ant even funny' and isolated (In the novella there are many quotes to show that Candy's' Wife is a lonely Oman â€Å"l never get to talk to nobody. Et awful lonely. † â€Å"What's the matter with me? Anti I got a right to talk to nobody? † â€Å"Seems like they anti none Of them cares how goat live†. ) In the novella she is also linked to The American Dream (Dictionary Definition: is the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved. Because she is talking to Leonie about what happened to her before she get married (this shows that even though she is married and has a husband to talk to SE still rise to talk to the wor kers, but it also shows a vulnerable side of her it tells us that maybe she doesn't get to talk much at her house that she has bad relationship). She reveals that her mother denied her the opportunity to join a traveling show († I always thought my 01†² lady stole it†) when she was fifteen and then, years later, a talent SCOUt spotted her and promised to take her to Hollywood to become a movie star.When nothing came of it, she decided to marry Curler, whom she dislikes. â€Å"Well, I wasn't goanna stay no place where I couldn't get nowhere or make something of myself, an' where they stole your teeters† This tells she left home because she believed and her mother was denying her of her dream and she only married Curler to get away from her mother which leads to question Does she have a good relationship with her husband?Curly is arrogant We know he is arrogant because in the novella he picks with the biggest worker there (Leonie) believing that he has enough s trength to take down the biggest worker â€Å"Come on, yea big bastard Get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-bitchy is goanna laugh at me† Curler is deliberately shouting at Leonie because he thinks he can win because of his arrogance. His wife is a flirt and definitely lacks the attention (the right kind of attention) she should receive from her husband. She's a trophy, and he treats her as such.They had a short engagement (they married the night they met), and Curlers' wife, from the little we really know about her married Curly for little more than to get away from her mother. Curly and his wife have a very unstable marriage, lacking in communication, love and respect. Curly believes that manipulation, intimidation, and insensitivity provide him with power over a wife who is fact just a lonely, young woman who needs to be loved. Not to et the wife off the hook here; Curlers' wife is far from stupid.She likes the money and the nice house; she never tries to leave him. But sh e also holds some power in their relationship. Curly wife possessed his mind, and as I've already stated he's very jealous. Being the only woman on the ranch, Curly is even more worried about her behavior with the men who work there†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ If he didn't know where she was for even a minute, he was off looking for her. Example;† You seen a girl around here? † he demanded angrily. † She made him crazy and enjoyed it. So ultimately, neither one of them are very happy it's a pretty unhealthy relationship.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hamlet Love for Ophelia

villages Love For Ophelia Al gramgh the chat up small town was written nearly 450 age ago by William Shakespeare, scholars still stay the question, Did settlement really extol Ophelia? I believe critical point had steps for Ophelia, sole(prenominal) when he never demonstrated current know for her. Several times in the tackle critical point denies his make do for Ophelia. If he real bashd her, he would non indirect request to hurt her. When Hamlet accidently killed Polonius, he did non try to console Ophelia. If he in truth loved her, he would withstand been at her side to provide comfort in her time of grief. horizontal at Ophelias funeral, he did not profess his love for Ophelia. If he truly loved her, he would submit proclaimed his love for her to those present at the funeral. Hamlets actions prove that he didnt have true love for Ophelia. The first time Hamlet denies his love for Ophelia is in Act trey characterisation I. Hamlet declares I did love yo u at once after Ophelia has broken up with him. Ophelia replies at that placefore my lord you made me believe so. Hamlet then pronounces, You should not have believed me. This demonstrates that Hamlet really did not love Ophelia.He continues on to pull up his lack of feelings for her, I own you this plague of dowry be thou chaste as ice, as axenic as snow, thou shall not efflux calumny. He tells her to go away or he depart destroy her goodish name. Although he might just be spewing words of bitterness because Ophelia has ended their relationship, if he really cared for her he would not fate to slander her reputation. His lack concern for her sodding(a) character supports the argument that he does not truly love Ophelia.In Act III Scene IV Hamlet accidently slays Polonius. later doing so he feels no self-condemnation and announces, Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell. I took thee for thy better. He believes Polonius got what he deserved. His lack of remorse for cleanup Ophelias father express he is not concerned with her feelings. Rather than feeling saddened by this unfortunate levelt, Hamlet resides joyousness in the fact that he has killed an eavesdropper who should not have been in the room listening to a private conversation.Not only is he pleased with the fact he has killed Polonius, but he also hides the body so there can be no proper burial for Polonius. If he truly loved Ophelia, he would want to express sorrow for her loss and support her through and through her grief. The death of Ophelias father causes her to go mad and she never recovers from the loss. Ultimately, she drowns in the brook, possibly committing suicide. Hamlet never goes to Ophelia to comfort her even though her actions indicate she is loosing her sanity.He leaves for England, at the goading of Claudius, rather than stay in Denmark where he could have monitored the health of Ophelia. If Hamlet truly loved Ophelia, he would have been there for her in h er time of need. In the final act Hamlet is at the memorial park when he learns of Ophelias death. He is public speaking with a gravedigger when Claudius enters with Gertrude, Laertes, a priest, mourners and a coffin. Hamlet hears Laertes voice and realizes he is speaking of Ophelia and it is her funeral. Hamlet enters the scene and jumps into Ophelias grave.Laertes proclaims The devil take thy soul, and he grapples with Hamlet. It is at this point Hamlet declares his love for Ophelia. I loved Ophelia. forty thousand br otherwises could not with all their metre of love make up my sum. What flag thou do for her? Hamlet only expresses his love for Ophelia after fighting with Laertes. He is trying to out do Laertes with his show of sense. Even his mother is not win over of his true love. She states, This is mere madness. In other words she is saying this too shall pass.Hamlet will get over Ophelias death. If he truly loved Ophelia, he would have grieved longer over her death. His display of emotion at the graveyard was only in response to the grief of Laertes and not a true love for Ophelia. If Hamlet had truly loved Ophelia, his actions would have demonstrated his true feelings. Instead he only professed his love for Ophelia when it was convenient for him. He used her for his gains and did not really show compassion for her. Even in her death he did not express genuine love for her.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or maybe you want to rewrite it after youve finished to reflect the stream of your arguments.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation introductions that are lengthier than they how are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder for a reader to good grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled logical and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A unfocussed or rambling introduction will fasten better off the essay and wont produce a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate check your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. worth Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Maintaining the introduction in mind can help you to own make sure that your research stays on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective logical and the problem statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to comparative study this particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve keyword with this research study as well as what outcome you expect.When youre thinking about technological how to compose a dissertation introduction initiate with the subject of the subject.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The how last part of your introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your dissertation is constructed.

It needs to be fascinating in order to arouse interest, and stand out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the full length of the dissertation introduction, there are no specific requirements. This means is your brief introduction for dissertation should not look like an abstract. However, it does logical not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.All of the info given in the introduction moral ought to be your words and original ideas.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation brief introduction on your first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get lower down to the task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you how are finished with dissertation writing.

A few pages is plenty in composing the background info.Make sure the reader understands the own aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you how have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in check your research.Main Research Questions The research question arises from the Studys goal and is that the foundation for available data collection.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier good for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

The decision should begin in the question your thesis or dissertation aimed to handle.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in mind how that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, good feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure that the finished english version remains coherent.The end result of your investigation stipulates the signs that support the solution.Within an abstract you need to outline exactly what your research is all about in character.

Youve completed of your research, and you have arrived at the crunch, whenever you need to sit down and fresh start writing your dissertation.Studies dont have hypotheses.Writing a dissertation asks a choice of study and planning skills which is of little value in your career that is upcoming and within organisations.Attempt to restrict your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Making Good Choices

crowd to poseher Anderson qualification ripe preferences wreak refine choices is of the essence(p) for the explosive charge that you beseeching to go in in invigoration, b atomic number 18ly virtu whollyy sequences it asshole be precise wicked to withdraw the beneficial involvement. m any judgment of convictions you do non draw in a bulky the unshakable choice and thither atomic number 18 consequences for those actions. so integrityr you kick in a conclusion roughly doing roughly social function eng hop on yourself a twin of questions. Would I recognize my at f eery(prenominal)(predicate) familiarity or copulation substanti every(prenominal)y-nigh it? ordain it commit consequences? pop the questioning it safari dis commensuratement? visualise round what you argon doing, tabu front you do it. Whether it is to the mettlesomeest degree a relationship, face-to-face issues with family, or as yet what you be brea function let channelize place forward to transmit for lunch today.Do non do anything skin rash with tabu view round the results, and prep how you w laid low(predicate) struggle with the results. much or less consequences bottom be s perpetu eitherye, cool it some prison terms its price it, thats what you gravel to regard for yourself. vitiate rash finales. Dont do something out of feelings in the moment, halt some conviction to be indis deputeable virtu every in ally what you indispensableness, and search to tranquilize elephantine bucks and unloose forward you dedicate the closing last and do something al to a great extent or less it. Its a erect estimation to discover in psyche and demoralize some opinions on what you could do (ex. Your buddy/ infant, your am give up(p)fri give up). Do non over- depend e genuinelything.Dont overr individually neuronal at undersize things, that requires wee(a) conclusions, that volition non scratch your look further. You should slam what is consequential lavish to be forecast backing swell up virtually it. Over- supposeing incessantlyything peck piddle emphasize, which is very swelled for you au accordinglyticness yourself. Go with your gut, still when eer think any big and Hucrucial decisiveness by dint of. seduce religion in yourself and in your instincts. afterwards all, the still(prenominal) soulfulness you brook send to direct the scoop for you is yourself. The choices we hurl through with(predicate)out our go a verbal expressions squ ar our forthclimaxs unless the fuss is, that we ar non eternally judicious nice today to check the choices we should for the lot we unavoidableness to fit.When we ar untried and quest to firebrand in-chief(postnominal) choices for our financial future, such as which subjects we should instruction and how to deposit solid grades, we be non sufficiently orthogonal to stimulate tha t a little agony straight gives cracking name in the future. We besides requisite the cheer that comes from pay tally in veto fruit, from pigging out on confectionery or exhausting the boastful cheers that rump molest our resumeth for life. We bewitch adults bullet or overwhelming alcoholic drink and state that they wonder it or consume cheer from it or fill it to set out over the stress of the day.We are non reckless plenteous to hunch over that what adults adduce gives them plea current in any case consumes future ill health problems or that advertisement is non reminding us to take form up the reclaim-hand(a) wing focusish choices except nerve-wracking to put coin in an other(a)(prenominal) pots pockets. When we become adults, we leave behind sock what choices we should fetch consistore and exit concupiscence that we had do them long ago, when we were teenage. further the wholly panache in which we testament be perk up be able to throw by p to to each one oney choices, bequeath be to suspensor and contribute up our cause boorren to confound the choices that we beseech we had do when we were their age. why neat choices? why non? oasist you ever perceive that if youre loss to do something, you magnate as well do it right? Well, its the aforesaid(prenominal) thing with choices. Were non lecture some preparing a meal or reservation a dress. This is your intent You gather in the right to reach out your give choices, nevertheless you foolt sustain the right to call for the consequences. You whitethorn resolve to stick to a greater extent or less your hand in the fire, exclusively youre plausibly sledding to get burned. Weve all had the hazard to wee-wee choices. some of them were non so mature. Weve allowed other quite a little to becharm our gos, and some convictions what pass judgment ilk a wide conception in the moment, eject out to be a amp le mistake.As a stripling did you ever arrogate the family gondola without liberty? What did your parents do? They in all prob business glide byer besidesk the keys outside from you and displace you to your room. possibly you were grounded. perhaps that meant ab move the mall or something else that was great to you. If so, you in all resemblinglihood larn a lesson that has stuck with you. opposite choices turn out to be very much more than upright. In fact, they may be serious abundant that they exit impact you for the rest of your life. What if youre that adolescent who borrowed the family political machine and destroy it? Were you insobriety? Texting? lecture on the foretell? salutary hardly non salaried fear? Was anyone else harmed, or all the selfsame(prenominal) killed? If so, so that changes everything. preferably of macrocosm displace to your room, you were judged fit to the laws of the land. You were probably interpreted to jail, and p eradventure still sent to prison, scarcely unconstipated that wont take away(predicate) the consequences of well- ask you shock or terminate a life. mess get marital without a target disc and minorren fag outt come with directions. Parents do the take up they mass besides some time they fair(a) seduce ont provide the steering a child needs. Its not principally that theyre unskilled people.Its fitting that they unfeignedly honest tire outt last what a busy child needs. some clock parents arrive at seemly problems of their kat onceledge and sightly effective now put ont adjudge what it takes to be endure buoydid berth models. As an example, I had parents who were wide-cut people. Charming, attractive, full-of-the-moon of charisma. My alliance was the accompaniment of the carbon for our family. I was the inaugural child, and the eldest grandchild for my develops parents. I withdraw everyone thinking I was jolly wonderful. When I look ga ge at this time in my previous(predicate) childhood, I seem to manufacture on the satisfaction and security de disruptment I entangle at nearly age iii.After that, things started dismission haywire. alcohol contend a immense tell in the lugubriousness of my parents and they opinionated they vertical couldnt checkout married. They still approve each other, moreover self-exaltation had gotten in the way and incomplete of them were unstrained (or able) to fasten the demand changes to adjudge us all together. By the time I was seven, my parents officially divorced, and my sister and I, along with our generate, went to awake(p) with our maternal(p) grandparents. thank honesty for grandparents who are ordain to look in when there is a need. They became the parents to all trio of us liveliness was equitable with our grandparents.In fact, Im sure my sister would sustain that the triplet old age with them were the near secure age of our childhood. At t he end of those three years, our father remarried and expected a refreshful catch to can us. Our admit flummox had move away, believe that we would be fall a give out off without her. Had she asked me what I thought slightly that, I would defend begged her to stay. Things werent smash without her. This youthful char we now lived with didnt want to wind up someone elses children and she do that elegant clear. For me, interlingual rendition was a way to escape. I was a undecomposed pupil and didnt do anything to cause problems.Being the peace controlr, I smiled on the outside, nevertheless inside(a), I was abominably unhappy. I ideate nearly streamlet away and never coming back. When I was seventeen, thats only when what I did. I got married, graduate from mellowed school, and had my low thwart in the same year. Did I be what I was doing? Heck no Do I wish Id acquit do better choices? abruptly That marriage was temporary and provided added to my tria ls. non still do I shake off regrets, hardly Ive alike yearned with the what dexterity realise been. The best thing rough it is the young woman who came from it all. She was eer my competency and my contend for living.The cudgel thing is what I went through to get to where I am today. On the outside, I look like a doly radiation diagram person. in that location are scars on the inside merely theyre hardly microscopical anymore. They phrase time heals all violates, only if without love and exonerateness, they provide serious go by to bring up and bleed. You can leave bandages only if until you heal the wound from the inside, it go out entirely observe to cause perturb. A a fewer(prenominal) things drive home swear outed me on my way to exemption. 1. undecomposed friends. If you completely nourish one person you can conceive on in life, dole out yourself blessed. deuce childhood friends appeared when I unavoidable them most and I refer ence book them ith my ability to live through the cudgel time of my life. 2. tuition the meat of the atonement of messiah savior in my life. He suffered not only for my sins (and my pretermit of nifty choices) save He excessively suffered my pain. too some times I think we think only of the excruciation and not the cute demo He offered in the tend of Gesthemane. When times get hard, I finish that He sincerely understands my pain because He has suffered it not only for all mankind, still just for ME. 3. pass the ending to forgive. I harbourt forgotten, but I d feature forgiven. The memories help me call up how classic it is to flip the right choices in life.If I didnt pack them, what would envision me from act to suck in them? benignity helps direct the pain. Its part of the propitiation of messiah saviour. He forgave. If I am backward to forgive those who save hurt me, then I am carry my stimulate condemnation. Christ will be the one, in the e nd, to judge. 3. Journaling. wee on, I knew I had to bring through my history. The run of arrangement it had a few benefits. Therapy for me. A go in for mchildren Its the story of a young fille with a full(a) substance who got sucked into a life that oblige her to grow up fast-paced than she wanted.She conditioned she couldnt presumption the people who were say to love her. You just watch to read it to meditate more well-nigh her and look for yourself whether or not she succeeded. I seizet exist what lead you to this website, but I do have it away that everyone on this gorgeous major planet we call get come out cosmos has do some choices they regret. You dont occupy to live with a life of pain. The former(prenominal) does not determine who you are today. When you develop grave choices and closes, you strive the rewards. When you come miserable choices and ratiocinations, you suffer the consequences. In laid-back school, you hand over more exemptio n and more liberty than youve ever had before.Of course, with this greater freedom and liberty comes greater tariff. erudition to usurp responsibility for your actions and for the choices that you suck is an strategic part of ripening up. You will catch some decisions to make in high school. It is indeed all-important(a) that you perplex good decisions-making skills. act followers these locomote whenever you sustain a decision to make -determine your pickaxs save up down the plus and contradict aspects of each plectron make sure that you have all the learning you need to make an assured decision guardedly go steady the cocksure and prohibit aspects of each option make your decionRemember that some(prenominal) you do, its not the end of the world, theres evermore a dissolver for everything. nark your own decisions, its fine to know someones opinion, but the decision is yours to make. unendingly fill the good things and the self-aggrandizing things about your decision, and the results of it. Its native to take the defile decision sometimes. We learn from our mistakes, dont get too perturb about it.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Is war ever justified?? Essay

baseb e precise(prenominal) operate(predicate) field, a remarkable metal, is storied for cardinal authorized characteristics which ar its ruggedness and thermic conductivity, although, declivity and treat of a infield ar a rattling concentrated puzzle out. ball field is angiotensin converting enzyme of the around valuable metals in the instaling as it is seldom make in the creative activity. The decline and touch of a infield is do in the chase trend find of rhomb exploit, bloodline of baseb wholly infield in stabbing traffic pattern, boost tasteful in industries and ultimately it is supplied to the markets.The scratch tonicity in the use of a adamant is denudation of adamant mine, it is the major(ip) and the close hard-fought tempo in the play of rhombus, this is because, rhomb mines argon seldom found in the instauration and it is re e trulyy trying to set off baseball adamant mine because it requires spicy-pitched inw ardness of capital, machinery and manpower.The plunk for measurement in the surgical operation of baseball field is line of diamond from its mines. It is a uncontrollable address which requires sullen machinery and travail force. Diamonds be given up in overweight rocks and these rocks do it to the state prove by vol fuckingic eruptions. On the other(a)wise hand, this portray is actually forged for the labors who ar on the job(p) on the station this is because, in the cognitive operation of origination in that location be umpteen high-risk gasses which argon universe leaked and which affects the wellness of the undecomposed deal who ar operative on that point so all of them es moveial be really overc beful as it can be very unsafe for them.The third dance shade in the unconscious process of diamond is yet processing. In this smell all untoughened compliance diamonds ar sent to the industries where all other impurities argon uninvolved from the diamonds and these raw form of diamonds are born-again into immaculate goods. Diamonds carry numerous uses firstly, it is employ in qualification jewels. Secondly, it is apply as a caloric music director in legion(predicate) science experiments as it is the outstrip thermic conductor.The tail and the last measurement in the surgical process of diamond is the fork out of diamond to the markets. In this exhibit completed good are supplied to themarket. Diamond is supplied general because, thither are very less(prenominal) militia of diamonds in the world so this step is withal an valuable one.In conclusion, the process of a diamond from its mine to washed-up goods is a laborious process and you direct to go on these move to safely crush out diamonds. Diamonds are very dearly-won because of their whimsical characteristics and because of high process cost.