Saturday, August 31, 2019

Compare and Contrast Between the Socs and Greasers

Compare and Contrast Essay Have you ever thought once that the Greasers and Socs (from â€Å"The Outsiders†) could ever have similarities? These rich kids and deprived kids will ever have something in common. Well, you’re going to find out each ones life style, personality and society treatment. How each of them lives, how they are treated by the society and how they both feel. The Socs are filthy rich kids in the west side, making them very spoiled and all their orders are brought and done. To give an example to that is Bob Sheldon, and his gang ride with a mustang, for teenage kid this is very expensive.While, the Greasers are a group of underprivileged children who have some that work for their living, but still don’t get half of what the Socs get. Most of them have very long and greasy hair because they couldn’t afford to shave. Which shows huge difference in lifestyle. Secondly, here comes their general personality, starting with Socs. To keep up in t heir life they have to lock their emotions up inside until they are numb to their effects. They remember the feeling of anger the hit the weak ones in the society; the Greasers.They jump on the Greasers and just start hitting them and terrorizing them. Unlike the Socs, the Greasers are too emotional, they take everything serious. And when they try express it they get into serious trouble, it is why dally got arrested a over half a dozen times. Have in consideration that they both are starting to get sick of their lives and how each lives it. For example Cherry is bored of pretending not being how she is for her friends and so is Ponyboy, he pretends to be not in love with literature and music in front of his family and friends not feel weird our his friends.Here will be discussed how society treats both crews of characters. The Greasers were always known as vicious thugs in the neighborhood while they are just misunderstood kids in the wrong place and also with know one to tell them what to do. On the other hand the Socs. have to live up to a perfect vision people see of them, they have to stand up others people high expectations, Which really kills them in the inside. It reminds me when Cherry was in the movie theatre talking with Ponyboy, she didn’t hide loving bizarre music nor reading literature.She told her friends that at all, as she is a cheerleader. Finally, after comparing and contrasting Greasers and the Socs we conclude that both the Socs and the Greasers have completely different lifestyles. Surprisingly, they have something in common; not being who they are with their closest friends and also are not penchant to be judged. It shows us no mater how wealthy or poor you are you still are a normal person like everyone else, no difference in having feelings.

Friday, August 30, 2019

“Freeze!” – Creative Writing

The loaded fork stopped short of the man's mouth. His eyes scanned the room to find out where the shout came from, his eyes followed to the door of the room and stopped. There in the doorway he could make out four officers, guns ready should he move unexpectedly. â€Å"Put your hands where we can see them!† A moment passed as the man wondered whether or not to eat his last forkful before doing as he was told. He thought better of it and put the fork, still loaded on to his plate. Slowly he raised his arms in the air. Officers streamed into the cramped room, surrounding the man there were as many as could fit with space enough to raise a gun. Some officers were what seemed to be too close to the table, but they could not retreat for the officers behind them. One man passed out from the sight, he was dragged out before he caused a commotion. The seated man smiled at the officer's weakness and followed his limp body out of the room with his eyes. There continued a small bustle as the man was arrested, read his rights, cuffed, masked and shackled. He was walked out of the room, up the flight of stairs that led from the basement flat and out in to the street, where he could see how important he was. Squad cars, and two SWAT vans littered the already dark street. The man could just make out the head of the police department sat comfortably in his black, government car. The man was shoved into the back of an armoured van which already contained three well built men. They were fully equipped with batons and cattle prods. The man decided it best to sit quietly and enjoyed the ride in the windowless van. He shut his eyes and dreamed as he swayed with the jolts the dirt road gave the van. What seemed like hours had passed when the van finally stopped. A minute later, the doors opened and the man was pulled out, still cuffed, masked and shackled. He was escorted into a large important looking building filled with blue uniformed men. The man was led through a maze of corridors and pass checks. They came to a narrow, brightly lit, warm corridor with sound proofed walls and bullet-proof Perspex panels and doors that opened in on to neat holding cells. He was taken down to the last cell on the left, even though all the other nine cells were empty. His cuffs and mask were taken off but they left the shackles, he was politely asked to step inside the cell. He thanked the two officers that had been left with him and walked into the cell. The door was locked behind him. The officers out of duty asked if he wanted anything. â€Å"I'm a bit hungry.† The blood drained from the younger officer's face. â€Å"I was wondering if I could finish my meal?† From the look on their faces he could tell the answer was no. â€Å"Maybe I could have a snack, a packet of crisps or something?† Their faces seemed to relax. â€Å"What flavour?† Quested the young officer. â€Å"Bacon if possible.† The man saw the young officer recoil, the older officer seemed better trained and showed no emotion. â€Å"We'll see what we can do.† The older officer stated. â€Å"Thank you,† the man responded, â€Å"By the way, do you know how long I'm going to be here? I mean will I just have to wait for a little bit or will I have more time that I could waste sleeping or something?† â€Å"We don't know. Do what you see fit.† The older officer motioned the younger officer to follow and they walked out of the man's view. The man settled down and took in his surroundings. Three white walls and one Perspex panel and door held him captive. There was a smooth cot bed made up too perfection with cream blankets and sheets. A steel toilet stood quietly in the corner with a small matching basin next to it. Nothing else furnished the room. The man sat down on the floor and leaned against the cot. With the cool metal side of it in his back he knew he would not be comfortable in this position for long, but he was too lazy to move yet. The man shut his eyes and began to dream. His dreams were plagued by food for he was hungry. He had been interrupted during his dinner and so his belly was not full or content. He dreamed of a starter of soft Cornish crackers, smothered with liver pà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½tà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. For the main course a beautifully cooked meat pie, soaked in gravy with a very small salad on the side. For dessert a tray of mince pies. He always wondered why they never actually had any real mince in them but even so he delighted in eating them, just for their name. Just as he finished his first mince pie and was about to reach out for another, a soft knocking on the door interrupted him. He opened his eyes to the older officer standing outside the cell staring at him. The man stood and stepped forward towards the glass. The officer stepped back and from his pocket produced a shiny packet. â€Å"I only have roast chicken flavour left.† The man looked at the officer puzzled. â€Å"It must have been confiscated from a convict, nobody will miss it I assure you.† The officer spoke too quickly. He placed the packet in the food tray on the floor and slid it shut so that the drawer's content was now on the inside of the cell. The man picked it up. â€Å"Thank you very much. I wasn't expecting anything at all. Thank you again.† The man sat on the cot and proceeded to open the packet of crisps. He placed the bag close to his face and smelled its contents. He looked back at the glass and was surprised to see the officer still there. He smiled and pulled out a wafer of potato. As he crunched into it, the officer turned and walked away, the man thought he saw a smile on the officers face but could not be sure. It almost looked as if the officer was longing for something, but the man dismissed that idea, why would an officer long for a packet of crisps? The officer probably was feeling sorry for the man. The man ate half the packet and decided to save the rest for later. He put the packet under the cot pillow. He kicked off his shoes, imitation leather, slid on to his side and drifted off to sleep on the cot. A long while later, he was woken up by a buzzer he could not see. He stood in time to see four officers at his cell. He was led through another maze of corridors and pass checks to a small questioning room. He was sat down at a medium sized wooden table with two chairs, one that he occupied. A large mirror took up the wall opposite where the man sat. He suspected it to be a two-way mirror for obvious reasons. He was left there with the shackles clinking softly at his ankles. Two officers entered around a half hour later. One sat down, the other stood in the shadow near the door. The seated officer placed a Dictaphone on the table, switched it on and stated the date, time and the names of all present in the room. The man was shocked that it had been a full 12 hours since he had been caught. Then it began; the barrage of questions. First they started slowly; his name, age, date of birth, height, weight and so on. They gave him time to answer each question fully and only asked another when he looked as if he had nothing more to say. Then they began to speed up. â€Å"When was the last time he had food?† He told of the crisps, interrupting they asked what flavour. â€Å"Roast Chicken.† â€Å"Who gave them to you?† â€Å"Another officer, I don't know his name.† â€Å"Do we look stupid?† The man did not answer. â€Å"No officer is allowed to give you food.† â€Å"But-† â€Å"No officer would give you chicken flavour crisps.† The man put his head down as in defeat. â€Å"And before that? What was the next before last thing you ate?† â€Å"Lunch.† â€Å"Consisting of?† â€Å"Meat.† The man had raised his head to look the officer in the face before he had replied. A look clouded both officers' faces. The seated officer rose and motioned the other to sit. This officer was dressed differently, for one she wore a dark blue skirt rather than trousers. Instead of the usual white shirt the men wore, she wore a light blue blouse and a small tailored dark blue waistcoat. â€Å"This, † motioned the now standing officer, â€Å"is officer Ali, first name Aliya. She is very familiar with your type of problem.† â€Å"Hello.† A quiet, slightly shaky voice indicated she was not as good as her introduction. â€Å"Hello Miss.† The man said politely. â€Å"Address the officer properly.† â€Å"Nice to meet you officer Ali.† â€Å"That's okay officer. Let the man relax.† The standing officer grunted indignantly and walked towards the door to lean against the wall near the light switch. â€Å"Okay. Let's start.† The young lady produced a bunch of papers from a small briefcase by her feet. â€Å"These are just a few character tests I need you do to so that I can help you. Would you mind taking one of these?† She looked at the officer for approval. He nodded. â€Å"Not at all officer. I know I'm sick and need help. But I haven't the will power.† The man looked genuine in his feelings. â€Å"Okay. Right. Okay. How often do you eat meat?† She laboured over the last word, as if it was uncommon. â€Å"Not very often only when I can find some. Then I tend to gorge myself on it.† â€Å"And where do you get your†¦meat?† She fuddled over the word again â€Å"An out of town butcher† The man said flatly. â€Å"Really?† She raised her eyebrows in surprise. She suspected he was lying. â€Å"No. I catch it myself. I stalk them and then kill them with a knife, that way not bullets or poison spoils it.† He had lied and had thought better of it to tell he truth. He put his head down again in shame. â€Å"Spoils it?† Her eyebrows now knit together in curios â€Å"The taste is better if there isn't all that stuff.† He was a little cautious of his answers but he was trying to be as honest as he could, he wanted help and they could only help him if they knew everything. â€Å"Ok. Do you think you could ever stop†¦doing what you are doing?† She struggled again to ask these questions. This was new to her, she had only been doing this for about a month and this was the first man who was this honest. The rest of the offenders usually laid the whole way through. She knew why; they had heard of what would happen to them if they were convicted. â€Å"I hope so. I can go without it for long, weeks at a time but then a craving for it plagues my mind and body.† He looked for some kind of reaction in here eyes. Another inquisitive look knotted hey eyebrows together. â€Å"You have withdrawal symptoms?† â€Å"Yes. I start, dreaming. I'm a good cook. I dream up dishes that I can make. I can make anything out of any bit of meat.† He sounded slightly proud of himself. But then he remembered why he was there and retreated back to feeling sorry for himself. â€Å"Can I ask why you call it meat? Not flesh, or food?† â€Å"If you think of it as what it really is, then you begin to feel guilty. I don't like feeling bad, so I don't think of them as anything important, only as bits of meat that taste nice.† It was an answer given matter-of-factly. â€Å"If we put you on a diet of only vegetables would you be able to survive?† She looked for a way out for him, she felt sorry for him. â€Å"Yes of course, I wouldn't like it though.† This was not going well for the man. She asked the final question that she knew would decide his fate. She wished he would answer correctly but she could give no kind of indication to him as to what his answer should be. â€Å"If you had the chance to have meat again after this interview would you take it?† A slight pause as the man put his head down and answered n a small voice. â€Å"Yes.† Suddenly the door burst in and armed guards rushed into the small room. In desperation the man realised that the rumours of what happened to people like him were true and that he had just sealed his fate. â€Å"I mean no, I wouldn't. I wouldn't! I promise, no, no I wouldn't.† He screamed apologetically, begging for forgiveness and promising that he would be good. He sounded like a little boy begging his parents for one more chance after doing something wrong and knowing he would be punished. The office seated stood up and walked out of the room. She looked back at the man with sympathy but she knew she could do nothing. He had answered wrong. He was dragged out of the room by guards who had been waiting outside the door. â€Å"No! I promise, never again!† The man was taken to a cell not too far from the questioning room. He cried and screamed, kicked and bit. He tried everything to free himself. It didn't work. He was thrown into a small cell, 4 foot by 3. Blood was spattered on the walls and the man shook as he realised in his mind what was actually going to happen. Three small flaps near the floor opposite the now bolted steel door snapped open. Out of them came a stream of fat brown rats. They circled him, ring upon ring formed round him, the man stood still, his eyes racing round to each small set of beady eyes. Their bright yellow teeth were visible and chattered every so often, all daring each other to jump first. A silent sign made them all pounce on him. He shrieked and tried to pull them off. They bit through his shirt, on his bare arms and at his legs. Many drew blood on their first bite. These were well-trained assassins. They were hungry and wanted meat. The man's shoes had been kicked during the scrap and now the rats bit at his socks. The man fell on the floor and they swarmed him. Wave upon wave of pain coursed through the man. They were biting all over his body, regardless of whether it was clothed or not. If it were clothed, they would slash an opening and clamber through to the soft skin underneath. The rats were in his shirt, in his trousers biting at everything. The man continued to fight them off, but there were just too many. He kept screaming until one rat dared to jump into in and bite his tongue. The man bit down as hard as he could. Half the rat fell off of him, tail still twitching. He spat the other half out and spat out the rodent's blood, it mingled with his own from the bite on the tip of his tongue. He stopped screaming but when a rat latched on to his nose he yelped in pain. It's tail swung into his mouth and he bit it off accidentally swallowing it. Another rat bit down into the flesh between his thumb and fore finger, he tried to shake it off but the momentum plus the weight of the rat caused the flesh to rip and the rat to fly off with part of the man in it's mouth. It dropped the meat and attacked him again on his other hand hoping for a larger piece. Rats on the man's belly ripped and clawed their way past the skin, getting to the soft meat beneath it. Five especially fat rats tunnelled through the man into his abdomen and chest. The man could not breathe, as his lungs were half eaten. He coughed up blood and in it was a bit of a rat's tail. The man retched but nothing came up as his stomach was on the floor in front of him. Eventually the man ceased to move. His efforts for survival had been futile. The rats continued their meal until all that was left was the bones of a man. When they were full they sat in the corners of the room letting the still-hungry rats gorge till they themselves could eat no more. Hours passed and slowly the rats scampered back to their homes on the other side of the flaps, where more food was. When every rat had gone, two officers shut the flaps, opened the door and collected the remains. They remarked about how efficient the rats were getting, this one had died within two hours of being locked in. The other remarked the time was too short and that every non-vegetarian should endure the most torture they could receive before dying. They both agreed that all meat eaters should be put to death and that this was the most fitting way for it too be done but they still continued to argue over how long it should last. Their argument lasted all the way to the dump where they threw the filled bin liners into a newly dug pit, big enough for thirty bags or so. By then they had grown tired of the discussion and were now debating whether to go to the new veggie-restaurant, or go to the usual veggie noodle bar for lunch.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Essay Example for Free

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Essay John Irving (6) , A Prayer for Owen Meany (4) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? A popular theme in literature concerns the concept of ‘growing up’, a painful process by which a character achieves maturity, self-knowledge and confidence. In the novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, the character of Owen Meany achieves this painful process. Owen Meany is introduced in the novel as a remarkable individual and throughout it can be observed how the brilliant child evolves into the memorable individual that he turns into. In the novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving, Owen Meany matures, gains self-knowledge and confidence to become the miracle that his character was. Owen Meany was obviously a brilliant child, but was still able to improve on his excellent character as he was growing. This can be seen through Owen’s maturity level. He was always remarkable advanced and mature for his age, but as he became older, he understood even more than before. His best friend was Johnny Wheelwright. In their friendship, Owen looked after Johnny. He gave him advice and even helped him out academically. When Johnny was bitter about his mother not revealing to him who his father was before she died, Owen came up with a mature response, â€Å"Of course, as Owen pointed out to me, I was only eleven when she died, and my mother was only thirty; she probably thought she had a lot of time left to tell me the story. She didn’t know she was going to die, as Owen Meany put it.† (Irving 10) In the face of irrationality, Owen found it easy to point out the logic. The easy way he comes up with intelligent responses to difficult questions are proof of this child’s brilliance. Later on his life, the reader sees that Owen has matured in regards to his perspective on Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. Kennedy had been somewhat of a hero in Owen’s mind and he had felt betrayed by him. He is able to later recover from this viewpoint and analyze the situation differently. She’s just like our whole country – not quite young anymore. But not old either; a little breathless, very beautiful, maybe a little stupid, maybe a lot more smarter than she seemed. And she was looking for something – I think she wanted to be good. Look at the men in her life – Joe DiMaggio, Arthur Miller, maybe the Kennedys. Look at how good they seem! Look at how desirable she was! †¦ She was never quite happy †¦ She was just like our whole country †¦ Those famous powerful men – did they really love her? Did they take care of her? If she was ever with the Kennedys, they couldn’t have loved her – they were just using her †¦. People will do and say anything just to get the power; then they’ll use the power just to get a thrill †¦. The country is a sucker for powerful men who look good, we think they’re moralists and then they just use us. That’s what’s going to happen to you and me †¦ we’re going to be used.† (Irving 431) Owen Meany is very good at analysis, and he uses these talents to make conclusions on many things. It is an excellent example of his maturity. When Owen first discovered that JFK might be having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, he was shocked. Now, he is able to rationalize it and see JFK in a different light. He is able to come up with educated ideas concerning JFK and Marilyn Monroe. His metaphor of Marilyn Monroe and the United States is an excellent one. Both Marilyn Monroe and America have a great deal in common because of their mutual exploitation by the rich and powerful. Owen Meany learns a great deal about himself through the course of his life. He is convinced that there are reasons for all things. One of his strongest conviction stems from what his parents told him about him being born in the same way as Jesus. Due to this, Owen feels very convinced and assured of himself. He is a highly intelligent child: I know three things. I know that my voice doesn’t change, and I know when I’m going to die. I wish I knew why my voice never changes, I wish I knew how I was going to die; But God has allowed me to know more than most people know – so I’m not complaining. The third thing I know is that I am God’s instrument; I have faith that God will let me know what I’m supposed to do, and when I’m supposed to do it.† (Irving 366) Owen has complete faith that there are reasons for his being the way he is. This is an example of Owen’s self-knowledge. He knew these things with a complete certainty and accepted them. Few people will have blind faith in something. Owen had questions, but he still put his faith in God, bowing to his superiority. He knows who he is. He understands his purpose. He is told by many that he is crazy and insane for thinking that there is a plan for why he has the voice he has. He is also told that he should run far away from what he thinks his destiny is, but Owen is not most people. He knows what his destiny is and runs towards it. Owen’s self-awareness and knowledge is what allows him to feel that he is headed towards the right path. In the end, Owen was right. He is able to save the Vietnamese children, â€Å"It was not only because he spoke their language; it was his voice that compelled the children to listen to him – it was a voice like their voices. That was why they trusted him, why they listened. ‘DOONG SA,’ he said, and they stopped crying.† (Irving 612) In the end, Owen is to be admired for his self-knowledge. Johnny would now be wrong in thinking Owen to be strange for thinking that his odd voice had a purpose. It did have a purpose. Owen’s voice helped him save the Vietnamese children. Owen Meany has a great deal of confidence in himself. If he sets his mind to do something, he can do anything. Owen Meany desperately wanted to join the army and be able to fight so that he could fulfill his purpose that he discovered in his dream. â€Å"If there’s a war and I’m in the army, I want to be in the war †¦ I don’t want to spend the war at a desk. Look at it this way: we agree that Harry Hoyt is an idiot. Who’s going to keep the Harry Hoyts from getting their heads blown off?† (Irving 462) The way that Owen ended the statement, almost makes him sound cocky. In a way, he is, but another term to describe it would be that Owen is confident. He places total trust in God that what will happen will happen. He is confident that he is going to die, fulfill his purpose in life and be a hero. It is uncanny how unshakable Owen’s faith is. Most people are unable to practice what they preach, and Owen does what he thinks is right. He does live by his rules. It is unbelievable that he is willing to throw away his life because of his faith in God. He does not even have any proof of assurance that God does exist, but in his mind he does not need any. When Owen would be practicing his basketball shot with Johnny and it would get dark, he would ask Johnny if he could still see a statue of Mary Magdalene after it became completely dark. He would ask Johnny how he could be certain that she was still there, if he could not see her, â€Å"You absolutely know she isn’t there – even though you can’t see her?’ †¦ Well, now you know how I feel about God †¦ I can’t see Him – but I absolutely know he is there!† (Irving 451) Owen explains to Johnny that he just knows in his gut and instinctively that God exists. In the same way that people can understand and accept that other things exist without physical proof, Owen is convinced of the existence of God. His confidence is daunting. It is unusual for a person to be so rationally convinced about theology and at the same time be willing to go to extremes in the name of God. When he was getting closer to the day of his death, he had doubts, â€Å"I don’t know why he’s here – I just know he has to be here! But I don’t even ‘know’ that – not anymore. It doesn’t make sense! Where is Vietnam – in all of this? Where are those poor children? Was it all just a terrible dream? Am I simply crazy? Is tomorrow just another day?† (Irving 604) Owen is growing up. He is scared and confused. He doesn’t know why Johnny has to be there for his dream to come true. He doesn’t know if anything is going to happen. His doubts are the most important step to his growing up. In the end, he was right all along. The character, Owen Meany, was a miraculous one, due to his maturity, self-knowledge and confidence, in the novel A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. Owen was always mature for his age, but he was able to improve on it and make better judgements. He understood that although Kennedy was someone who had been a hero to him, that things are not always as you want them to be. He was able to open his mind to this, and eventually accept the possibility that Kennedy might have behaved inappropriately. Owen had an extreme amount of assurance in himself. He just knew some things and did not feel the need to question them too much. He knew that there was a reason for his voice and although, he wanted to know why, he did not feel daunted by this. He had faith in his ability to do things, even some that he did not manage to do, such as, going to war. Owen’s confidence is the last important point in his path to ‘growing up’. He had doubts and fear, but in the end his confidence in God and himself won out. Owen finally grew up, when he did what he was meant to do by God. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. (2017, Aug 22).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Protein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Protein - Essay Example According to the paper one important part of the nutrient puzzle, and also meets some of your body’s biological needs is proteins. Proteins are important biological molecules for you and your body’s health, and help keep your body working the way it should. One of the reasons proteins are so important is that they are mad up of amino acids, acids that are necessary for life to function as we know it. While it is true that our bodies can make amino acids by itself, it cannot make all of the amino acids that are needed for life, and must get some of them from the food it consumes. These amino acids thus come from proteins, which should be staples in everybody’s diet. Proteins can come from many different varieties of food, such as meat, egg, grains, and other diary products. These foods are essential to our diet as it is vital to our existence to take these proteins into our bodies so we can use the amino acids they are made up of.This discussion outlines that  p roteins are very important molecules. Without these molecules, biologically speaking, life would not be the same as we understand it today. Proteins are organic compounds that are composed of a chain of amino acids. These amino acids are necessary to life, and important to all living organisms. The proteins themselves take part in almost every single biological operation inside the body, and are important to the lively hood of our cellular structure.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Risk assessment and management in Forensic mental health Essay

Risk assessment and management in Forensic mental health - Essay Example Each of these has its own merit and used together, they can render a judgment that is more accurate than using only one method. Risk for a mental health patient generally means an assessment of whether the individual will become violent against themselves or against others. In one respect, a clinician can only make judgments about an individual based on what they have observed or what the assessment tool tells them. Unfortunately, the individual may be able to get through evaluations and still have an episode of violence. This is one of the reasons why Carroll (2007) suggests that more formalized instruments for assessing risk should be used instead of relying on programs that are developed locally. The reason this is important is because locally devised programs are often lacking in validity and reliability. Carroll points out however, that using more than one source for assessing risk is very important. Professional Judgement Laureau suggests that although structured professional j udgment is used by many people, there are times when the decision must include other assessment instruments, especially when an individual has a secondary problem. In this case, the individual was Bipolar and it was found that although the professional judgement of the psychiatrist was that the individual was able to go out into the community, the fact remained that he had killed two people during a manic phase. In this situation, when the individual went to trial, it was determined (through emotional evidence by the prosecutors) that the individual should not be released, even though he was gong to be released into a community program. This information seems to indicate that if there had been more than one assessment, which looked at several issues for this particular individual, there may have been a different ruling. Unstructured professional often comes under scrutiny because it is based on a clinician's intuition and therapeutic experience with the incarcerated individual. It u ses psychiatric evaluation, clinical notes and the personal experience of the person evaluating the individual. This type of assessment is still used today, although it may be the least reliable (Gowensmith, n.d.). Structured professional judgement has a combination of static and dynamic information, is flexible, and allows different scenarios to be developed. Bottom line on this is to answer the question of whether the individual is going to be safe to be released, and it has a 70% change of being correct (Gowensmith, n.d.). In addition, Bouch and Marshall (2005) suggest that structured professional judgement is useful because it supports evidence-based practice and it also is useful in "increasing the transparency of decision making for the purposes of clinical governance" (p. 85). This suggests that professional judgement is very useful, but in conjunction with other types of risk assessment. Assessment Tools There are many assessment tools that some clinicians use in order to cr eate an understanding of risk management. The PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version-Revised) is a 20 item assessment that according to Buchanan (2009) score items like alcohol abuse, separation from parents before the age of 16 and whether the individual failed on other release attempts. This seems to be a rather harsh instrument that may or may not allow for an individual to improve over time. This instrument also

Monday, August 26, 2019

Requirement Specification Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Requirement Specification - Case Study Example Due to the increasing requests of people involved in the preparation of question papers, the School is considering the computerization of the process to improve the current system by addressing the issues associated with it, while meeting quality assurance requirements in the preparation of question papers. The Examination and Conferment Unit (ECU) is a department at the Academic Registry of Oxford Brookes University which provides services to the entire university related to examinations, award certificates and conferment of awards, and award ceremonies (Brookes, 2007). The ECU has prepared Guidelines for Examination Paper Preparation and Submission (Appendix 1). At the beginning of each semester, the ECU sends the examination paper template (Appendix 2) to all module leaders in the different academic schools of Brookes, who have an examination at the end of the semester. The template is a Word document which has been laid out to comply with the University's approved format for examination papers. Upon completion of examination paper preparation by the different schools, a camera-ready hard copy of the papers along with additional exam materials such as case studies and formula sheets, should be submitted to the ECU, either by hand or using the secure pouch system. Fiona Parker is the Academic Programmes Administrator at the School of Technology. She is also the designated exam secretary and holder of the secure pouch system at the School. She prepares the TE01 and TE02 forms (Appendix 3,4,5,6) for modules that have examination and modules that only have coursework as assessment, respectively, for distribution to the module leaders at the beginning of the semester and collected together with the papers or coursework schedules. The forms are word documents which work with an excel spreadsheet in a mail merge operation (Appendix 7) which Fiona Parker needs to complete using a tedious manual process (Appendix 8). Generally, a module is taught by more than one member of the teaching staff and because of this, a question paper for a particular module is prepared by more than one member. It is the responsibility of the module leader to put together all the questions prepared by the individual members of the teaching staff. This process is tedious for the module leader as it involves collecting copies of the questions from individual staff members who currently use different editing tools or different formatting. The module leader has to re-work the formatting of the question papers so that it meets the requirements set by the ECU. When the module leaders have completed the initial preparation of question papers and solutions for each module they are responsible for, they complete the sections they are responsible for in the TEO1 and TEO2 forms. The document sets are then passed to the internal checkers in the School of Technology. The internal checkers check the papers, complete the sections they are responsible for in the TEO1 and TEO2 forms and send their comments and suggestions back to the module leaders. The module leaders then disseminate the commented documents to the individual members of the teaching staff who prepared the initial documents for them to make necessary the necessary amendments. The amended documents are then returned to the module leaders who will need to again go through the process of putting together the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Weman administration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Weman administration - Assignment Example When it comes to intelligence, honesty, and another character traits the current women administrators are valued highly and the public rates them superior to their previous counterparts (Kantor 1). According to Kantor (1), in another survey, majority of American women are now the wage earners and providers in their households. The survey interviewed more than 1400 women; 40% of the women survey were single or divorced while 53% of them were the providers in their households. One-quarter of the married women in the survey said that they were earning more than their husbands. Previously such statistics was nonexistent (Kantor 1). Additionally, Perrett (1) says that colleges are graduating more women administrators than men under the 30 group. Women are currently earning more than men and occupy senior administration positions than men. In most companies, most women are found in senior management positions. Notably, the number of women in senior positions has increased over time. The IBR assessment, which engrosses both registered and privately-owned organizations, portrays that there has been a 4% growth in women in senior management positions from 2011 to 2012, with 24 percent of organizations with women in top management positions globally compared to 20 percent in 2011. Currently, the number of women administrators is at 24% as compared to their male counterparts. Additionally, younger women are earning more than older women; a significant indication that the younger women are getting more powerful. Most companies are employing women in their management and administration due to the proven capability of w omen. Examples of women leaders who appear to be stronger include the German chancellor Angela Merkel, former Google CEO who is now the current Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and Mary Bara the CEO of one of the world’s leading car manufacturer, General Motors. In addition, the administration works of the first U.S lady Michelle Obama and the

Individual case study report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Individual case study report - Essay Example But this will not assure satisfactory performance. Recruitment, selection and training typically focus only on the ability side; thus a major missing ingredient is one's willingness. Motivation then becomes a process of activating this potential in all the employees. While motivation refers to the drive and effort to satisfy a want or a goal, satisfaction refers to the contentment experienced when a want is satisfied. From a management point of view, a person might have high job satisfaction but a low level of motivation for the job, or the reverse might be true. Understandably, the probability is that a highly motivated person with low job satisfaction will only express poor quality in his job. The yet another factor affecting the productivity of an employee is his attitude. Attitudes and values differ among workers and employers, rich and poor people, accountants and engineers. This variety makes it difficult for managers to design an environment conducive to performance and satisf action. We shall discuss the impact of motivation levels of workers in an organization, its impact on productivity, the attitude levels of workers which play a vital role on the motivation levels and finally how to achieve the best performance out of an employee by highly motivating him. "Organizations today are recognizing ... The significant workplace issues of the present day require different kinds of solutions. Some of these include flexible work hours, pay for performance and Employee Stock Ownership Plans. These may vary with people and organization based on the problems faced by them. Case Description According to the case presented by Drugs Inc. older males occupy the top management. The rest of the work force also seems to have a majority of males. There seems to be a minor note on female staff that the clerical staffs are females. The company finds it difficult to compete with the overseas companies who manufacture the same kind of products on a lesser cost. Thus the company's business is not doing well in the recent years. As a cost cutting measure, the company is looking for a downsizing of its employees and is trying to set up an alternate marketing facility through Internet business. In the given case, we find that the business of Drugs Inc. suffers due to high cost factors compared to its competitors who use low cost manufacturing techniques. The major issue we find here is the productivity. If the productivity goes up, there is every possibility of meeting out the cost and making a good profit. Productivity is a major concern of managers. It implies measurement, an essential step in the control process. The productivity measurement of skilled workers is generally easier than that of knowledge workers such as managers. Yet managerial productivity is very important, especially for organizations like Drugs Inc. operating in a competitive environment. The improvement in productivity is brought about by the improvement in performance of employees. The performance of an employee in turn depends upon his motivation levels. The fact

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Compare and contrast male and female perspectives, and the Essay

Compare and contrast male and female perspectives, and the encompassing cultural prejudices and presumptions which define and determine the analyst's analysis o - Essay Example Despite the significance of the case with hindsight, the analysis was never completed, and many see this case history as an example of the way in which Freud misinterpreted the problems which his patients had, instead forcing their case to fit his theories, and not the other way around. It is clear, although again with the benefit of hindsight, that in the case of Dora, Freud was seriously mistaken about the situation she found herself in. He may even have willfully interpreted her very real sufferings at the hands of her father, and his friends, the ‘K’s as imagined in order to treat her symptoms as hysteria. The event which triggers Dora’s unhappiness, and which leads to her analysis by Freud, concerns Dora and one of her father’s friends, and man named ‘Herr K’ by Freud. There are two versions of this event; in Dora’s version, the man accosts her by the lake, and makes sexual advances. According to Dora, this is the second time that Herr K had pressed himself upon her; on the first occasion, she was fourteen, and the friend of the family had first tricked her into meeting her alone, and then kissed her. Although modern society will understand the girl’s revulsion, Freud says â€Å"the behavior of this child of fourteen was already entirely and completely hysterical† (Freud, 1990, page 59). Herr K and, after initial belief, Dora’s father, rubbish the story; Herr K even suggests that she has read too many books on sex, and had been ‘over-excited’ in Freud’s phrase. Dora’s father agrees: It seems very strange that Dora’s own father should take the word of a man whom he does not hold in high regard, above that of his only daughter. As the case history unfolds, we can see clearly that Herr K is a womanizer and a liar, as well as a cuckold. Dora is a young, intelligent and truthful woman from a good family; yet her account of the event by the lake is dismissed in favor of the man’s version.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Key Concepts in Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Key Concepts in Health Promotion - Essay Example It is thus imperative to promote health in the best way in order to treat and prevent majority of these diseases and thus increase the life expectancy. The assignment will cover the concept of health promotion and its challenges. It will also cover the present situation of coronary heart disease in the United Kingdom and what the government and other partner agencies are doing to promote health among the population in the United Kingdom. Health promotion can be defined as the process of allowing the individuals to have control over the health determinants and thus improving their health. It is a set of practical strategies and a concept and it remains to be an essential guide when addressing the main health challenges that are faced by both the developing and the developing countries. It also includes the non-communicable and communicable diseases, and other issues that are related to the health and human development (Health Promotion Agency 2009, p1). The main aim of health promotion is to strengthen the capabilities and skills of the people to take action and the capacity of the communities and groups to act in a collective manner to exert control over the health determinants and attain a positive change (Health Promotion Agency 2009, p1). There are certain prerequisites that are required in the promotion of health and they include; enough and well distributed economic resources, peace, clean water, shelter and food, sustainable resource use, access to the basic human rights, and clean water. The failure to meet all these challenges remains the main goal for all the activities that are directed towards social, health and economic development (Health Promotion Agency 2009, p1). Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading killer disease in the United Kingdom; it is estimated that around 1 in 5 men and 1 in 7 women die from CHD. The disease is estimated to cause approximately 94,000 deaths per annum in the United Kingdom (UK). In the UK, approximately 2.6

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Holidays Essay Example for Free

The Holidays Essay The Holidays The meaning of holidays is essentially a time we embark moments and share time with love one’s. In the United Sates, holidays are a very superior time that many of us embrace. Many can think back on holidays that they’ve encountered and recollect favorable moments. For many, it is the time of the year when people seem to grasp inside of one another and distinguish the best of things. Clearly, to some amount the â€Å"holiday season† gives people a sense of pleasure. Halloween and Christmas are two holidays that many people choose to rejoice. Indeed, they are both the most decorated holidays of the year, and both originate from Christian beliefs. But there’s something about the two that have mystified throughout their existence. Halloween and Christmas share similar attributes, but they are also vastly different in history, culture and traditions. On October 31, many people celebrate the eve of All Saints Day; better known to the world as Halloween. When people think of Halloween, they think of a day filled with frights, terror and fun. There are many cultural influences that have prompted to the holiday e now call Halloween; such as Day of Dead and All Souls Day. Halloween is refrained by death, but this doesnt make the holiday wicked. In fact, its a time of celebration for greeting spirits that have departed from past years. Some beliefs include wearing costumes so spirits would think that the living coexisted with the dead. Consequently, decorations on Halloween entail of skeletons, ghost, witches, and pumpkins. Simply, the idea is to decorate your house as daunting as it can be. As a tradition, children are able to stroll at night going oor to door, and receive as much candy as they can fit into their pillowcases. By the end of the night, children compete with siblings and friends to see who received the most candy. Halloween is the only holiday kids receive so much candy; it can last the entire year. It is clear that children take a joy on this event. Also, in today’s modern time it’s the only day out of the year a person can dress up as a character. However, Christmas is a sacred religious holiday; celebrated on December 25. The yearly centenary of the Christian church to memorialize the birth of Jesus. Though the original concept of Christmas is for the church service to celebrate the birth of Christ; people celebrate Christmas Day in many ways. Our culture has formed it more around giving gifts to loved ones and spending time with family. Subsequently, there are many types of decorations that are displayed during Christmas time that contain whites, reds and greens. Decorating houses with bright lights, mistletoe’s, bells, snowmen, angels and stockings is a traditional act. As for kids, they await for Santa Clause to arrive, so they can open gifts on Christmas morning. Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, is a historic, legendary and mythological individual. Believed by numerous children to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved children. The iconic Santa Claus has been in existence since the early 1800’s who’s been portrayed as a stocky, joyful, white- bearded man with red rosy cheeks, wearing a red coat with black leather boots. Furthermore, receiving gift is one of the most exciting aspects of modern Christmas. Gift are usually items that were asked for throughout the year. In all, many citizens take the time to enjoy time away from work and dearly spend it with love ones. We come across many holidays that contribute to a social phenomenon like religion, beliefs and traditions. Despite the similarities among Halloween and Christmas, they are more different than people may present. Overall, I think people can view both in a positive or negative way, but some may agree that all holidays always have a very special meaning. A holiday give people time to experience and learn; that is how they can differentiate holidays

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

History And Industry Trends Cisco Systems Inc Commerce Essay

History And Industry Trends Cisco Systems Inc Commerce Essay As a company that started from humble beginnings, Cisco has evolved and grown into the multinational networking and communications giant of today. In 1984, Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner, a couple working as computer staff members at Stanford University, created the startup known as Cisco Systems (Cisco systems). The companys first product was a multi-protocol router, which would set the tone for the coming years and helped outline its direction. Although Cisco has indulged in branching of products and dabbled in various market segments, networking primarily routers and switches have remained at its core. Cisco went public on February 16, 1990 and spent the remainder of the 90s ramping up for the Internet age (Cisco systems). It acquired numerous Ethernet and switching companies. By the time the dot-com boom rolled around, Cisco had implanted itself as a world leader: in order for the Internet to grow, many of Ciscos products were crucial to its infrastructure. This foundation-laying ideal positioned the company at the apex of the wave. In the spring of 2000, Cisco became the worlds most valuable company with a market capitalization of over $500 billion. In a move to increase the breadth of the brand and target consumers, Cisco rebranded itself in 2006 (and inclusively shortened its name from Cisco Systems). While primarily a business and enterprise oriented company, Cisco began its new initiative by acquiring home user minded names like Linksys and Flip Video. While the company has achieved phenomenal growth and successes, it is of course not without moments of decline. For example, the aforementioned Flip Video acquisition resulted in a flop, and was subsequently shutdown and dissolved in 2011 (Cisco discontinues flip, 2011). With this, Cisco announced that it would exit aspects of its consumer business which suggests a shift in focus. Once the dot-com boom was over and the bubble burst, Cisco experienced a major downturn and was forced to lay off almost 8000 employees and write down $2 billion in inventory (Fryer, 2008). This demonstrates the volatility of the technology industry and how important it is to forecast new trends. At the helm of the company, CEO John Chambers emphasizes on market transitions, quoting A market transition occurs when there is a subtle but clear disruptive shiftà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ A market transition gives you a glimpse of a new opportunity to take market share or move into new market adjacencies (Fryer, 2008). In the past, most businesses in the industry like Cisco followed market transitions directed by business now the industry has changed to follow consumers. Subtle discrepancies like this can spark differentiation of varying magnitude in order to capture new trends. By utilizing the VRIO framework, we can analyze Ciscos resource endowments and provide further insight on its background and competencies. While the company is differentiated in its products and services, not everyone of its resources is ranked highly on VRIO. Taking the Flip Video example, Cisco only received a temporary competitive advantage from it, and not a sustained one. The reason being, Flip cameras no longer became valuable nor rare. Smartphones were on the rise and contained built-in features that rendered Flip cameras redundant users could share videos and also capture them directly from their cellphones (Cisco discontinues flip, 2011). In comparison, Flip cameras were not perceived to be as valuable versus the time period before smartphones. Given this, these cameras were also not costly to imitate, since competitor manufacturers (market segment-wise) were implementing similar technologies already. By acquiring Flip Video in 2009, Cisco leveraged its business know-how an d infrastructure to demonstrate its capability to capture value. Flip cameras were at one point a popular commodity, but it soon tapered off once the previous 3 criterions of VRIO began to diminish. Once it came to this, Cisco was no longer able to capture its value and thus shutdown Flip. On the other hand, Ciscos router and switch resources provide the company a sustained competitive advantage and maintains high rankings in the VRIO analysis. Taking the Catalyst 6500 switch as an example, which was a key player during the dot-com boom (Cisco systems). Cisco strategically positioned itself with this switch and its other router technologies at this time, because Internet Service Providers necessitated an answer to the growing infrastructure demands. Resources like the 6500 provide Cisco with value. Over the years, Cisco has maintained a high-quality image and people equate its products as such. This increases its perceived value by consumers. For the most part, many of Ciscos resources are considered rare because although there are similar products from different competitors, the numbers are not great. Tying into the aforementioned rarity, due to the complex and continuously evolving nature of these high technologies, they are very costly to imitate. As a firm in general, Cisco has been organized to capture value on many of its products. Juniper Networks is one of Ciscos main competitors, and came out with products that siphoned away 30% of the switching and routing market share. In the end, Cisco was able to edge itself back into the leader seat by innovating and releasing upgrades to existing lines. To expand on Ciscos differentiation strategy and its diverse portfolio of product ranges, 3 market segments are targeted. The primary market for the firm is the corporate market, or large businesses. Cisco sells a multitude of products and services for this segment, ranging from borderless network solutions to collaboration suites like the IP phones and TelePresence video conferencing units (Collaboration products and,). Many of these products are sold to large enterprises like Bank of America, ATT, and General Electric. The contracts Cisco holds with these types of companies create a large bulk of its focus. Referring back to the dot-com boom case, Cisco sold its network solutions to many ISPs and ultimately catalyzed its market capitalization and proliferation to being the worlds most valuable company at the time. Aside from the corporate market, Cisco also offers less intensive and lighter scale solutions for small businesses in order to encompass a more diverse group of consumers. The company offers a variant of its routers and switches that are reduced in size and capabilities, but work for smaller networks. The WebEx web conferencing service is a popular offering (its technology was garnered through an acquisition), which allows users to seamlessly collaborate and share. Although Cisco made an effort to enter the home user market in 2006, with its The Human Network campaign, it is reassessing the scope of this venture (Cisco systems). As shown by Flip, the margins that Cisco requires to operate at a desired efficiency are not as great in the home user segment. Many of the companys pursuits in this area proved to be short-lived. While the TelePresence video conferencing suites originated as a corporate-oriented product, Cisco tried adopting it to the home users by offering Umi (Collaboration products and,). Unfortunately, this effort was not successful as the competition was too great and the offering was not valuable enough to consumers. At its heart, Cisco maintains its competitive advantages primarily through its business and corporate solutions. Macroeconomic Analysis PESTEL A firms macro environment consists of a wide range of political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal (PESTEL) factors that can affect industry and firm performance. These external forces have both domestic and global aspects. (Strategic Management Concept Textbook) Pestel stands for political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental and legal issues that the government can act on the Companys decisions or performances. Usually most of the articles from Wall Street Journal can be applied by Pestel Analysis. Political Political consideration that affect service provider and government spending patterns( Annual Report, pg.37) is one of the reason why Cisco believes that their company can be harmed by the economic and political reasons. Economic Cisco System explained how the fluctuation in the future with their stock price could happen due to uncertain global economic environment in their Annual report. They believe there are lots of risks on uncertainty of the global economic environment. As we see in their stock chart that they have had hard time during economic crisis of 2008. Stock analysis is provided under financial analysis section in detail of this report. The explanation about the fluctuations on currency exchange rates which are making negative impact on their financial reports is an example of how the economic changes can affect the companys financial well-being. Despite the fact that reason for this fluctuation is due to big portion of global expanding. However for this problem they found a solution by entering into the foreign exchange forward contracts and by reducing the short term impact on certain foreign currency receivables, payables and investments. (Annual Report, pg.38) Sociocultural Cisco System, the Cisco Foundation, UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) and the Government of the Jordan helped women in the Jordan to get into technology study and work as IT or ICT- Information Community Technology. In 2001 and 2002 they had a program to let the women in Jordan to be trained and work as much as men. In this sociocultural issue Cisco System had a great job involving in this program. Geographic, social, economic and racial boundaries are eliminated as the program extends to 149 countries with more than 10,000 Academies across the globe. (The Women in Jordan, 2001) So the company extended that program and it affected their social, economic and racial boundaries. Technological Continuity innovation in technology of network industry and uncertainties of the legal issues Cisco depends on the innovation more than the protection needed for their products and services by patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secret marks. Innovation is the key to be successful in the networking industry and Cisco has to rapidly innovate not to get in to the market, but also able to sustain competitive advantage. Environmental Cisco proudly partners with industry-leading companies to provide our customers with highly secure, interoperable smart grid solutions and services. We understand that modernizing the electric utility infrastructure around the world-from generation at a power plant to consumption in a home or business-is a huge undertaking. It requires the skills and expertise of many people to deliver on the promise of a smart grid. (Cisco website) Legal Most of the Ciscos products has software or licensed by the third party. Legally they have been sued several times regarding violation of the federal securities law, waste of corporate asset, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary duties, and violation of the California Corporation Code. In addition they also had litigations of ordinary course of business, and intellectual property. They did not able to see any effect financially in their annual report, but it might affect their mission already. That can affect their stocks as well as their financial situations. (Annual Report 126,127) Financial Analysis Stock Stock Performance Graph Analysis (Annual Report page 46) The comparison with Cisco System, SP and SP Information Technology shows us that Cisco has a return of stockholders much lower than compare to SP and SP Information Technology. This Yahoo Finance Chart also shows that Cisco Stock Price had a problem right after 2008 just like other companies due to economic crisis on 2008, and got better later on. All the competitors recovered faster than Cisco after 2009 and continue to get well except HP. As of January 15, 2013 Cisco had a price of $20.98 while Hewlett Packard $16.53, Juniper Network 21.01. Revenue Compare to 2011, 2012 Revenue is increased about 7%. Cisco had 46.1 billion net sales and 12% increase on service revenue. Most of the revenue they received last year was from switching market and NGN Routing. They believe they can increase their revenue since they are into changing their strategies and innovating. Current Asset/ Current Liability Ratio Analysis Cisco has a quick ratio of 2012 3.49%. (61,933 / 17,731 = 3.49) Since it is more than one that means they can pay their current debt easily with their current assets. Since they have good amount of cash equivalency they need to invest more to increase and expand their company. Employees

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

General motors core business

General motors core business INTRODUCTION GENERAL MOTORS General Motors was known as one of the worlds best automotive, started in 1908 with 76 years of management and leadership at its best. Its global headquarters located in Detroit, with employees of 204,000 people all over the world and operates business in 140 countries. General Motors core business of producing cars and trucks operates in 34 countries and selling and servicing these vehicles through the following brands: GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Buick, Cadillac, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling. It has the largest market in United States followed by China, Brazil, Germany, U.K, Canada and Italy. GMs main element, in which it is industry leader, is its vehicle safety, security and information services. As of 2008, General Motors is the ninth largest publicly traded company in the world. Recently the company has endured major financial confusion, including a 38 billion dollar loss in 2007. GM needs a sense of urgency regarding revising a strategic plan that incorporates the next generation of vehicles. In todays global economy and highly competitive auto industry GM has no time for delay. Factors affecting General Motors and other car industry. Industry involved in the design, development, manufacture, marketing and sale of motor vehicles are known as automotive industry. More than million of motor vehicles, including cars and commercial vehicles were produced worldwide in 2007. Figures show that in 2007, around 71.9 million new automobiles were sold worldwide in which 22.9 m sold in Europe, 21.4 m in Asia-Pacific, 19.4 m in USA and Canada, 4.4 m in Latin America, 2.4 m in the Middle East and 1.4 m in Africa. Though the markets in North America and Japan were inactive but in South America and Asia markets grew very strongly. Russia, Brazil and China were the one who showed rapid growth compare to others. In 2008, automotive industry were experiencing a combination of pricing pressures from raw material cost and changes in consumer buying habits due to rapid rise in the price of oil. G.M and other automotive industries were also facing external competition from the public transport sector, as consumers re-evaluate their private vehicle usage. U.S is the worlds largest consumer market for light vehicles, passenger cars and light trucks which are conquered by big three companies i.e. General Motors, Ford Motors and Daimler/Chrysler. But recently these three industries were started to lose their market share to other rivals within the industry. General Motors are facing huge competition by domestic company such as Ford Motors and Daimler/Chrysler and also by foreign companies such as Toyota Motors and Honda Motors who are able to produce car much cheaper cost than General Motors. In 2006, General Motors has been bankrupted and has been avoiding a filing for years. For years it has been using cars as razors to sell consumers a monthly package of razor blades- in the form of highly profitable car loans. And the reasons for its bankruptcy are because they were focusing mostly on their finance division rather than it vehicle design operation. GM cars were poorly designed and build, took long time to manufacture as compare to its toughest competitor Toyota who has better designed and high quality and cheaper. In past GM controlled half of North America vehicle market but presently it has only 19 percent control as GM has been ignoring competition due to which Toyota and other industry took over the market share. Since General Motors were focusing on making profit from finance they did not care about building better vehicles. It was managing in bubble as GM rewarded those employees who followed the old way of doing things and those who praises CEO wisdom and carry out his orders. PEST Analysis Political: Since 1960, there were more powerful and strict laws and Government intervention that has affected GM and other car industries. Mostly, all regulation was related to consumer increasing concern for environment and concern for the safer automobiles. Economical: Automobile Industries plays an important role on every countries economy. As Automotive industry are major user of computer chips, aluminium, textiles, copper, steel, iron, lead, plastics, vinyl and rubber. Research and study had shown that for every autoworker there are seven other jobs created in other industry which include aluminium to lead to vinyl. Sociocultural: Todays people are mostly concern about their status and society judges on the basis of what type of car one drives. Manufacture takes advantage of this thought and target the market. Every one want attractive and nice car which other people admires. Consumers feel better when they driving nice and new car. Technology: Internet had played a significant role in automotive industry. A study showed that about 60 % buyers referred to internet before making their purchase and out of that 60 percentage. 88 % buyer went to auto website before going and taking test drive. Strength and Weakness of General Motors. Strength: Huge Market Share: Although General Motors market shares has dropped in United States but it still has very much competitive at 26 percent. On the other hand, it is increasing its share in Chinese market and world wide. They still believes that they have an opportunity to become automotive leader once again as it was before. Global Experience: Although General Motors share have decline recently but they have capability of becoming leader once again due to vast experience of almost 100 years. As GM current opportunity is to expand globally and it has got experience to do so. Variety of Brand names General Motors had been leaders in the past and reason for that is wide variety of quality brand names that differentiate it from other automotive manufacturer. Its current brands include GMC, GM Daewoo, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Saturn, Hummer, Saab, Holden, Buick, Cadillac, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling. GMAC Customer Finance Program Since, General Motors Acceptance Corporation establishment in 1919, it has proven to be GMs most reliable source of revenue. On Star Satellite technology Star Satellite technology was developed in1996 with a subscriber of more than 3 million and it is the standard of all GM vehicles. The benefit of this technology is that vehicle can be easily tracked at the time of emergency or theft. On the other hand, it allows the driver as well as passengers to communicate with On star personnel just in one click of button. Weakness: Behind on Alternative Energy Movement: This is one of the biggest weaknesses of General Motors. The alternative energy/hybrid technology has already taken place in the automotive industry and GM has been one step behind the competition in terms of alternative energy vehicles. As a result, GM faced lots of problem including loss of market shares and fall in company profit. Now days for any automotive company looking for success must be Hybrid friendly and fuel efficient. Poor Organizational Structure: This is the second and significant weaknesses of GM. Its organizational structure seems to be too vertically integrated. As a result, there is lack of communication between top level management and bottom level management and may have played a part in GM falling behind on the alternative energy movement. Stagnant Profitability: General Motors profit has been certainly falling and they are struggling with respect to the size of their company. General Motors profit margin was about 1.5 % and the ROE has dramatically decreasing by dropping to 10 % in 2004. At this situation shareholders are not happy and they are becoming less interested. Fully Based on US market: For any one who is concentrating on one particularr market cant be successful. This is what happened to GMs case, it fully dependent on the US market. It must take advantage of the opportunity to expand globally. Due to high competition, it is becoming too strong to focus on just one country. Over Dependent on General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC) Financing: The other important weakness of General Motors is that it is too dependent on its financing program. Although, it is accepted that it is a great strength for GM, however it will be a problem if it solely rely on financing and cant turn profits, in order to compete with Honda and Toyota who are rapidly growing. Poor Credit Status: GMs credit status is steadily declining same as everything else. It is losing credit in market and amongst the customer. Its current ratio is merely above 1 and its acid test is even lower. Poor strategies and lack of Foresight: Due to increase in oil prices, consumers began to turn away from SUVs, but still General Motors predicted much of its operating success on its ability to sell newly unpopular vehicles. While companies like Toyota, were concentrating on light vehicle and in improving efficiency where GM assumed sales would continue in future. ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT Organizational Development is a system which differs from other systems of organizational change by putting stress/focusing on process rather than problems. In fact, change system focuses on identifying problems in an organization and then trying to alter the behaviour that creates the problem. OD is a methodology intended for use in complex situations to provide intervention strategy for change management. OD finds the behavioural interactions and the pattern that creates or sustain problem. In fact, OD does not change the behaviours, but they focus on creating a behaviourally healthy organization that will automatically solve and prevents the problems. OD generally considered long term effort that is of at least one to three years in most cases. In addition, it mostly focuses on combined management where manager and workers of different level communicate and unite to solve the problem. OD understands the fact that all organization is different and same solution cant put in every co mpany. The other feature of OD is that it gives importance to team work and small group. The important features of OD programs is the change agent, that is group or individual which makes OD process much easier. Almost all change agent are consultant from outside who are experienced in managing OD programs but sometimes companies may utilize its inside managers. The benefits of consultant from outside are that they provide a different outlook and have a less biased view of the organizations problems and needs. The disadvantage of outside change agents is that its lack an in depth of understanding of main issues mainly one specific organization.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Physics of Skydiving :: physics skydive

Acceleration..... Galileo demonstrated that an object falling only under the influence of gravity will experience a constant acceleration, i.e.., it gains the same amount of velocity for every additional second that it falls. (5) On earth this amounts to 32.14 ft/sec/sec, meaning that it increases its downward velocity by 32.14 ft/sec for each second that it falls. If acceleration is constant, then it follows that the downward velocity V an object experiences at any time t after the start of the fall is given by: V=g t where V=velocity (m/sec) t=time (sec) g=acceleration due to gravity One can also show that the distance d fallen after time t is: d= 1/2 gt^2 where d=distance fallen (ft) g=12.54 ft/sec/sec for Mars t=time (sec) Furthermore, Galileo discovered that this acceleration is independent of the body's mass, but dependent only on the strength of gravity on the planet. So, in the absence of an atmosphere, heavy things don't fall faster than light things, but at moderate to large velocities even a thin atmosphere can have a significant effect on a falling body's motion due to the effects of aerodynamic drag. (5) Freefall... When in freefall, a skydiver with arms and legs outstretched falls at about 120 mi/hr, with the arms in and the body in more of a diving position, the skydiver can reach speeds of up to 200 mi/hr. At this speed, many people believe that it is impossible to breath. Well, it is not impossible, but the truth is, you don't even need to breath because enough oxygen is absorbed through your skin to provide the blood cells with the required oxygen. This is also why jumpers do not jump on cloudy days or when they might risk going through clouds. The moisture in the clouds can condense on their exposed skin surfaces preventing the absorption of the necessary oxygen resulting in suffocation. (2) How fast do you fall? When you leave the aircraft, you are moving horizontally at the same speed as the aircraft, typically 90-110MPH. During the first 10 seconds, a skydiver accelerates up to about 115-130MPH straight down. (A tandem pair uses a drouge chute to keep them from falling much faster than this). It is possible to change your body position to vary your rate of fall.

Leonadro da Vinci’s Painting, The Mona Lisa :: Essays Papers

Leonadro da Vinci’s Painting, The Mona Lisa The scientists of history still can not settle down about Mona Lisa’s mysterious face. A lot of them spent years to find out, who that woman on the painting was. Another version has come up recently. Magdalena Soest from Germany’s Leverkusen spent ten years of her life, studying Leonadro da Vinci’s painting. He came to conclusion that Mona Lisa was a courtesan, who had the nickname â€Å"The Ttigress.† Many experts are sure that Soest’s research will put an end to the never-ending dispute about the woman on the painting. There were alternative versions set forth for that. The most known one of them says that the painting depicts a Florentine woman, named Lisa di Antonio Maria di Noldo Gherardini, - the wife of one of the noblest citizen of Florence, Francesco di Bartolommeo di Zanobi del Giocondo. Extraordinary versions say that Mona Lisa was a woman of easy virtue, another one says that the painting depicts a transvestite, or even Da Vinci himself, wearing women’s clothes. Magdalena Soest believes that Mona Lisa was the Duchess of Forli. Soest thinks that her theory can be proved with another paining of the Italian artist Lorenzo di Credi, who painted a woman in 1487 that looked very much like Mona Lisa. There is a big similarity between those two paintings, in spite of the fact that the woman on the earlier painting is about 25 years old, and on the older one – 40 years of age. Both of the painted women have the proud bearing, their hands are resting in the same position and they both have mysterious smiles. The German newspapers hurried to publish the photographs of those two paintings so that the readers could compare. Soest examined very carefully every little detail before coming out with her conclusion. According to Soest’s theory, Mona Lisa’s name is Caterina Sforza, who was born in 1462, the illegitimate daughter of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, the Duke of Milan. She was considered to be one of the most beautiful women, and was noticeable for her incredible courage. Together with her first husband Girolamo Riaria she led their troops in storming one of Rome's greatest citadels, the Castel Sant'Angelo, in a bid to install their candidate as the Pope when Sixtus IV died in 1484.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Theodore Roethke Essay -- modern American poetry

Theodore Roethke â€Å"Roethke was a great poet, the successor to Frost and Stevens in modern American poetry, and it is the measure of his greatness that his work repays detailed examination† (Parini 1). Theodore Roethke was a romantic who wrote in a variety of styles throughout his long successful career. However, it was not the form of his verse that was important, but the message being delivered and the overall theme of the work. Roethke was a deep thinker and often pondered about and reflected on his life. This introspection was the topic of much of his poetry. His analysis of his self and his emotional experiences are often expressed in his verse. According to Ralph J. Mills Jr., â€Å"this self interest was the primary matter of artistic exploration and knowledge, an interest which endows the poems with a sense of personal urgency, even necessity† (Contemporary Authors 476). Roethke was born in 1908 in Saginaw, Michigan to Otto Roethke and Helen Huebner. He demonstrated early promise in a Red Cross campaign speech as a high school freshman. This speech was translated into twenty-six different languages and showed that he had talent and potential even at a young age. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Michigan in 1929, and was pressured to move on to law school by family members. However, he was not interested in law and dropped out in order to take graduate courses in literature at Harvard University. Allan Seager concluded, â€Å"it was more than an unsuppressible awareness of life that led him to choose poetry as a career† (Contemporary Authors 475). He took up various teaching positions afterwards at colleges including Lafayette College, Pennsylvania State University, Bennington College, and final... ...uminaries who had an effect on his writing were Leonie Adams, Emily Dickinson, Rolfe Humphries, Stanley Kunitz, and Emily Wylie (1). â€Å"At the University of Washington, Roethke found talented protà ©gà ©s in Carolyn Kizer, David Wagoner, and James Wright† (Kalaidjian 2). He is well known for his influence on this subsequent generation of award-winning poets. Works Cited Parini, J. â€Å"Roethke, Theodore.† Chambers Biographical Dictionary. Ed. Melanie Perry. New York: Larousse Kingfisher Chambers Inc, 1997: 1584. â€Å"Roethke, Theodore.† Encarta 2002. CD-ROM. Redmond, WA: Microsoft 2002. â€Å"Roethke, Theodore (Huebner).† Contemporary Authors. Volumes 81-84. Ed. Francis Carol Locher. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1979: 475-479. â€Å"Theodore Roethke’s Life and Career.† Walter Kalaidjian. 1999.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

An audience’s responce to Hedda gabler Essay

Hedda Gabler is a dramatic, exciting, confusing and at times unpleasant character, who is frustrated by a lack a freedom where she cannot be the wild and unstable free spirit that she wishes and this shines through throughout the play. From this frustration comes immense boredom which is in her case very deadly. She embodies some of the typical Aristotelian qualities of a tragic protagonist but Ibsen has put a strange twist on it. For example she is a woman of fortune. It has been made clear in the book that she was born into this high class lifestyle and has this fortune by no endeavour of her own. Therefore, by being placed at the top of the hierarchy, she has further to fall and there is more at risk than the average person. However, she is not really someone that people can identify or can have sympathy for, as neither generous nor courageous. Also, as is common her fatal flaw is her snobbery or pride. However, Aristotle’s notion of hamarita states that it is a ‘ matter of action’ not the character themselves. I don’t believe this applies her and agree with the 20th century interpretation. This is not brought about by the unfortunate circumstances more than the character themselves. This applies very much to Hedda as her ‘conflicted individual moral psychology which brings about the opposite of what the character intends’. The Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen was very specific about the time when he set Hedda Gabler. The late 19th century was a time where woman were secluded and deluded into an oppressive and subjugate lifestyle. Ibsen puts Hedda in this male dominated were she challenges the conventional middle class bourgeois housewife by acting in a dictating and manly way witch were to shock the 19th century audience at this truly outrageous and outspoken character. The audience can therefore not identify with Hedda because in more ways than one she brings about her own demise. The local newspapers and media were disgraced; such as the daily telegraph which said ‘What a horrible story! What a hideous play! †¦ The play is simply a bad escape of moral sewage-gas’ Describing Hedda’s feelings as ‘the foulest passions in humanity’. This shows that the most tragic thing to me is that there are people her in this world. The play is started off with the stage layout, witch Ibsen perceptibly and carefully layout, giving a very bourgeois atmosphere each object has a lot of meaning to show the tragic nature of the play and Hedda. For example there are a lot of dark and dull colours hinting to things; such as saying ‘autumn colours’. Ibsen is using pathetic fallacy to show Hedda’s state of mind. Autumn is a time were everything around us is dying, dead leaves on the floor and animals hibernating. A time were there seems to be a deafening silence in the air following the summer which is usually buzzing with life. This could mean that maybe Hedda has passed the summer time in her life. A time when she was herself bloom perhaps and a time when she was also buzzing with colourful life. It is mentioned that Hedda used to go to parties and be a socialite. Then we see her state of mind at the present which is autumn. This already sets the scene of this play as pessimistic and cold. This is unusual for Ibsen’s targeted audience as they were used to cheerful and uplifting entertainment. Something to bewitch them into thinking their lifestyle was perfect as it was, which Hedda Gabler does not do in the slightest. Another thing that might have stunned the audience is Hedda’s awkwardness towards Miss Tesman and Mrs Elvsted. At a time were woman only socialized with woman it is interesting to see how she treats her fellow females in such a horrible manner. This is shown towards the beginning of Act1 were she call’s Miss Tesman’s hat to be servants hat. As Miss Tesman is Mr Tesman’s mother figure she should also traditionally be Hedda’s too, so by disrespecting like that would cause the audience to empathise with Miss Tesman and detest Hedda and her behaviour. Hedda also has a very unusual characteristics she presented by Ibsen in a very masculine way. By doing this she is emasculating George Tesman. To begin with he does this himself with Mrs Tesman, the keyword for the first is claustrophobic for Hedda; witch, with me, causes some sympathy for Hedda. With a combination of the childish nicknames (like Georgie and aunty juju) and the dreaded flowers make it as much cringe worthy to the audience as it was to Hedda, which is shown when they leave when The most prominent way that this is done is through the pistols, General Gabler’s pistols.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Advantage and Disadvantages of Japanese Nationals Working in the Philippines Essay

â€Å"Teaching is learning. Teaching is enriching. Teaching is challenging, it’s trying in unimaginable ways. Teaching is motivating, it’s inspiring. Teaching is frustrating, it’s frightening. Teaching is growing. Teaching is loving. Teaching is a blessing. And being a teacher means that I have a lot to learn.† (anjaligill, 2011) A quote I have read on one article on the internet that actually touched my heart. I am not a teacher but appreciate the hardships of teachers throughout their journey to imparting to us student all they can for us to have a better future. Yes we have a lot of teachers here in our country but learning is not limited to only our country. Because of media and many other sources or information we have been exposed to other cultures and languages from many different countries. Thus which lead to us wanting to learn other culture and languages. Some of these languages are Korean, Japanese, Spanish, and French. And who else are more capable in teaching us these languages than the natives of theses languages themselves. That is why this study aims to shed a light on the existence of Japanese Language teachers that are working in the country. The first part of this paper is going to touch upon the rules that’s the immigration imposes on these aliens that wish to enter the country. What kind of permits and visas that must be secured in order to be able to work. Also it talks about the role of the Department Of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in allowing these aliens to have a fair and legal job here. The second part of my report talks about the different issues that these aliens have encountered over their years of working in the Philippines. For years now we have been hearing about the melodramatic life of an OFW, we’ve had a lot of articles on the different experience they have out there. But have we ever given a thought about these foreigners that come to our country not as tourist, but to look for jobs? Probably as teachers? What more these Japanese nationals working in Davao as Japanese language teachers? We’ve been so focused on Filipinos that we forget to check on these other people who are also making a living here in our country. This paper will try to shed a light on what are the most common difficulties and what are the measures they took in order to be able to overcome these obstacles. And I am hoping to gather these datas through interviewing some Japanese nationals residing in the country specially Davao. A. What are the necessary visa and permits these Japanese nationals must secure in order to be able to work in the country? B. Are they given enough compensation and benefits in their jobs? C. Why of all other country would they choose Philippines? D. What are the different experiences they have here? For the last part this paper will try to compile the gathered data and express what are the common advantages and disadvantages of experienced by these Japanese Language teachers working in the Philippines? Those are just some of a few things this study aims to shed a light on, and to give the readers a deeper understanding on their situation through their experiences. Review of Related Literature 1. Japanese Language as a Profession When we hear the word Japanese Language most of us would think: oh that’s all about kanji!† â€Å"That is a very hard language to learn†. Yes it is true, it is not an easy language to learn but it is also one of the most interesting of all. With all the variations in the conjugation of every word, to all the particles for every sentence, but most especially to the different strokes in their unique 3 writing styles namely hiragana katakana and kanji. In the beginning yeah it will be hard but in the long run you will be able to appreciate all the hardships you have gone through in order to reach that level. So because of that many people have engaged in learning the language. Some would say that if you really want to learn something you have to do it yourself. But then again because of the complexity of this language it has become hard for others. That is why we have come to the conclusion that who else is more capable to teach us the complicated and very meticulous language than these Japanese nationals themselves? But then again this poses a very big hindrance when it comes to language barriers. It is because before Japan has been a very secluded country that doesn’t want to open up to other country. That’s is why even though some Japanese wanted to teach Japanese it would be hard for them since that not all Japanese know English and since English is the universal language communication and explanation would be hard. But as years pass by and as Japan slowly open their doors to other countries, international colleges started to rise and because of this the Japanese nationals studying in such colleges are being exposed to the word and thus they became aware of the eagerness of other people to learn their language which triggered a domino effect to theses Japanese to teach them. 2. Philippine and Japan relation in terms of work Over the years the Philippines was known by the world as major exporter of skilled workers. They even have this saying that there is no country in the world that does not have Filipinos in it. From that this study aims to focus on the Japanese citizens working in the country. For decades there has been a noticeable relationship between Japan and the Philippines. May it be in terms of trading of goods, and even official development assistance funds also known as the (ODA). The relationship of these two countries not only varies in goods and monetary sector but even in human resources. The Philippines is reputed to be the leading exporter of labor in the world, ranging from the semi-skilled to professional and technical workers (CORTEZ, 2009). This greatly impacted on the yearly remittances that the OFW’s give to the country. At the same time Japanese engineers, managers, experts and other skilled workers have entered the Philippines to accompany, implement and manage the huge direct investments and overseas development assistance programs of Japan (Tereso S. Tullao, Jr. and Michael Angelo A. Cortez, 2004). The Japanese have remained the largest group of foreign workers in the country over the years (OECD 2001). This then greatly impacted the country in terms of tourism. 3. Naturals working overseas Due to the growing economic crisis in the world most people opt to work in other country to look for â€Å"greener pastures†. Approximately eight million Filipinos are overseas, representing almost ten percent of the nation’s population (Commission on Filipinos Overseas, 2004). And one good example to these is the growing migration rate in the Philippines. Where in most Filipinos think that because of the economic crisis in the Philippines and the Low salary that working overseas became a better option. Yes they may have big salaries and they may be able to experience other culture but at the end of the day these OFW’s would have to sacrifice being with their family for money. 4. Language Barriers In order to be able to teach students, communication is important and in communication Language is vital. This is what makes learning easy. Because through language student will be able to understand what the teacher wants to deliver. But in teaching language something these language barriers pose a very big problem. Especially for those language teachers who are native speakers of the language they are teaching and only know a little English. English, with its many varieties, is a language of international and therefore intercultural communication. (Sharifian, 2009). But then we all know that there are still some countries that are not open to accepting English as an international language and Japan is one of them. The people being raised to love their own country in other words in the ways of patriotism it became hard for them to open up an accept changes being brought by the modern world. Definition of terms 1) (AEP) Alien Employment Permit is a document issued by the Department of Labor and Employment which authorizes a foreign national to work in the Philippines. 2) Alien shall refer to the foreign nationals who intend to work in the country. Japanese Workers I. Immigration All foreign nationals can freely enter the Philippines with only a passport and other travel documents for business, leisure, and social visits. The Philippine Immigration Act of 1940 states Foreigners or â€Å"non-quota immigrants† may be admitted without considering such numerical limitations (CASTRO, August). The country has not been strict on allowing foreigners to enter, In fact Nationals from some countries are allowed to enter the Philippines without visas for a stay not exceeding twenty-one (21) days, provided they hold valid tickets for their return journey to port of origin or next port of destination (Bureau of Immigration 2007-2008), Japan being one of these countries are allowed to enter the country without visa. They must present for admission into the Philippines unexpired passports or official documents in the nature of passports issued by the governments of the countries to which they owe allegiance or other travel documents showing their origin and identity. II. Department Of Labor and Employment (DOLE) But when it comes to employment the Philippines is very strict at letting foreigners to work in the country. These aliens need to secure certain visas and permits before they can actually work here. Some of these are the a)Alien Employment Permit (AEP), b)Special Work permit, and the c)9g Prearranged Employment Visa. a) Alien Employment Permit (AEP) is a document issued by the Department of Labor and Employment which authorizes a foreign national to work in the Philippines. This permit must be petitioned by a company to allow a foreigner to work locally and is the requirement for a 9g visa as well as several other visas. The employment permit may be issued to a non-resident alien or to the applicant employer after a determination of the non-availability of a person in the Philippines who is competent, able and willing at the time of application to perform the services for which the alien is desired (Labor Code of the Philippines PD 442, Article 40). Article 41 of the Labor Code provides: â€Å"After the issuance of employment permit, the alien shall not transfer to another job or change his employer without prior approval of Secretary of Labor and Employment.† In addition the alien who is found to be working without an AEP or an expired AEP shall pay a fine of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000) for every year to the Regional Director (DOLE Department Order No. 75-06 (Series of 2006)) and shall be subject to deportation after service of his sentence (Ferrolino, 2009). b) Special Work Permit is given by employers to foreigners that will only work for a brief time in the Philippines usually less than 6 months that can be extended for another 6 months and they are not required to apply for a (AEP) from DOLE ( Triple i Consulting Inc., 2005). c) 9g Prearranged Employment Visa is given to any foreign national who will be employed in the Philippines and occupying a technical, executive, managerial or a highly confidential position in a company for at least one year, can apply for an employment visa under Sec. 9(g) of the Philippine Immigration Act. III. Issues/Problems 1) What are the necessary visa and permits these Japanese nationals must secure in order to be able to work in the country? As to the rules of immigration and DOLE these Japanese nationals knowing that they are considered as aliens must be able secure an AEP before they can work. But according to one of my respondents who is ms. Ariza Okumura, that she only secured a working visa which is valid for only two years, before she got to work in our school. 2) Are they given enough compensation and benefits in their jobs? When it comes to compensations and benefits we all know that Philippines really give a very low compensation rate in terms of salary. According to the National Wages and Productivity Commission minimum wage in the National Capital Region ranges from P456.00 to P419.00 depending on the type of job, while in Davao city it ranges from P301.00 to P270.00. Clearly this kind of wages will not be enough to support a family that is why these families that are working here in Davao always keep a tight budget on their money. According to Miss Ariza Okumura, a Japanese Language teacher in Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku â€Å"if I live for a long time for example ten (10) years or more? The salary is okay. But if if have plan of one year or three years? The salary is low.† Mr. Tanino also a Japanese Language Teacher in MKD said â€Å"the salary is low†. True enough even these aliens or Japanese nationals to be exact who is working here in the Philippines have also experienced the very low salary here. In another interview I conducted this time it is from Takako Okamoto, also a Japanese language teacher in MKD she said â€Å"I think it is enough, for Japanese nationals’ teacher†. From this we can see the different points of view of these Japanese in terms of the compensation given to them. But one thing is for sure, they do not want the money, it’s their love of teaching and imparting what they know to those who are willing to learn. 3) Why of all other country would they choose Philippines? Some would say that Philippines is a good place to relax because of its serene beauty and it is also close to nature because it is rich in natural resources. The country being an archipelago means it is close to beaches which attracts tourist from all over the world to come here. A few would even say they want to go to the Philippines because of Filipinos have been known to the world as hospitable kind of people. But when it comes to employment there have been also very many speculations upon the capacity of the country to cater workers because of the ongoing crisis in its economy and a whole lot more. But even so after all these negative comments and speculations some still chose to work here. One good example is Ariza Okumura, MKD teacher she said during our interview that it was here choice to work here and when I asked her why this is what she told me â€Å"before when I was student we had a school trip and I came here in Davao. Also I really want to teach Japanese in foreign country†. Almost all of the Japanese language teachers I have interviewed said the same thing. That it was in their own will to go to the Philippines. In a follow up question I had which was â€Å"did you originally come here as a teacher?† I was amazed at their answers. Takako Okamoto, a MKD teacher said â€Å"I chose Philippines as a place for volunteer work.† Tanino, who is also a MKD teacher, said he first came to the Philippines to work for a company named sharp. From their answers it was clear that teaching was not their real objective in coming here, but the longer they stayed the more they fell in love with the country and its people. â€Å"During the time I met many Filipino Filipina and then they took care of me well and then I don’t like to forget everything they did for me. After one year four months I came back to Japan and decided to help the Filipino resident in the Philippines as Japanese Language teacher.† Said Okamoto sensei. 4) What are the different experiences they have here? We can finish up all day if we talk about experiences, but these are one of the parts of the lives of the people which make us actually say that we are alive. Through these experiences we learn and from these learning we can adjust in order to make things better. When it was time to ask them this question I observed that they had a very hard time in picking which experience they wanted to share. One of them said that being with students everyday are counted as one of their memorable experience, one also said that seeing the students learning is their most unforgettable experience. But there is one story that actually touched my heart. It was from Takako Okamoto she told me â€Å"actually he’s a last year graduator. He hated any kind of teacher, he hated study Japanese especially. He was lazy to attend all the class he was lazy to pass shukudai (assignments), and then sometimes he was against to the teachers. But I have been continuing to approach to him. Siguro very Samok sa kanya *how about your shukudai ? *how many times absent you might be dropped! Like that. Whenever I see him I say something. Finally he changed, he changed totally. He had a focus on study in nihongo but it was already 4th year. But I found his changes. Before RP Japan I was telling him, I know you are good at nihongo. You try to attend speech contest in RP Japan. In his speech he was saying to me thank you, like saying because of me he was changed. But for one week he got dengue and was absent. Nobody expected he could attend the speech. But he came, and said *Sensei I’m Here.† It may not mean as much to you but as I saw her as she was telling me this story you would see the happiness in her eyes. The kind of happiness that meant showed how their job as a teacher can be very rewarding, that even the small thing could make a big difference. Conclusion I admit I started late in doing this paper. But in those limited amount of time left, I was still able to learn new things through this. First is the importance of time. Know this is not port of my paper but I was able to learn and appreciate time, and how to use it wisely and productively. Second is the importance of work, as to why people look for jobs. Another is I learned to appreciate the teachers more. This happened during the times I was able to interview a few of them. At first I was hesitant in conducting interviews because I was afraid of the teachers, but then I said to myself â€Å"what’s there to lose?† So when I started the interviews I realized that I should not be afraid of these teachers because their only goal it to teach is to become a better person. That they are doing what they do not to make us suffer but to make us learn, I was able to see that â€Å"the students are the only ones who are making themselves suffer†. I also came to a conclusion that in all we do there’s a good and bad side to it. Isaac Newton’s third law of motion said that â€Å"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction†. In life that is also proven true, with everything we do, even in may it be as a person, as an employee, etc. there will always be an advantage and a disadvantage. Yes Japanese language is very interesting but at the same time it is also very complicated and hard to learn. Even the Japanese Language teachers themselves said that its hard and it really takes time. That even they as a teacher they also have to adjust to their approach to the students. Which brings us to the conclusion that teaching as a language teacher is not just a profession but also a lifestyle, where in it has its up and downs, the good and the bad, and its own advantages and disadvantages. Bibliography Triple i Consulting Inc. (2005). Retrieved february 21, 2013, from anjaligill. (2011, august 19). What Teaching Means to Me and Why it is Important†¦. Retrieved january 20, 2012, from CASTRO, J. M. (August, 11 2009). Philippines Visas, Permits and Immigration. Retrieved february 6, 2013, from CORTEZ, M. A. (2009). Japan-Philippines Free Trade Agreement: Oppotunities for the movement of workers. RITSUMEIKAN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS , 126. Ferrolino, T. (2009). Employment of Foreigner